468 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 912—915. 1890. Agawam, Springfield, and West Springfield, Massachusetts, in Immgghw v,{r¤¤=·» which Springfield shall be a port of elivery with the privileges of Vol. 21,g'1v:g°°` the seventh section of the act of June tenth, eighteen undred and eighty, entitled "An act to amend the statutes m relation to immediate trans ortation of dutiable goods, and for other purposes ;" and $°"°Y°*'· there shalllbe appointed a surveyor of customs for said ort, to reside at said port, who shall receive a salary to be determined) in amount by the Secretary of the Treasury, not exceeding one thousand dollars per annum. Approved, September 25, 1890. September 25. 1890- CHAP. 913.-—An act to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to procure and sub- "‘;""_’* mit to Congress a proposal for the sale to the United States of the western part of the Crow Indian Reservation, in Montana. Be tt enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the m<?;¤*I¤¤*¤¤ K°¤=’· United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary on, Mont. . . . . . . . Secretary or nm- of the Interior IS authorized and directed to appoint a commission Q"{,,f,‘},*§’,’°*“‘ °9"" consisting of three discreet persons, whose duty it shall be to nego- Msurrwdu d vm tiate with the Crow Indians for a surrender to the United States of °*‘ all that portion of the` Reservation in Montana, or so much thereof ”"·P·*°°°· as they will consent to surrender, which is situated south of the . Yellowstone River and west of the divide between Pryor Creek and Revom Clarks' Fork River in said State, and to report to Congress the re- · sult of any such ne otiation. But no agreement for any such sur- Limitation. render shall be validg until ratified by Congress. Appupwusm. Sec. 2. That the sum of five thousand dollars, or so much thereof as is necessary, is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this act. ' Approved, September 25, 1890. september 5, 1890. CHAP. 914.-An act to extend the time for the redemption of school farms in """"-' Beaufort County, South Carolina. ' Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the B£·°‘{¤,?;%‘¤&;‘¤*§dg,· United States of America in Congress assembled, That the time pre- Time my mdimipl scribed for the redemption of school farms in Beaufort County, “°$‘°{¥,'fQf§,f’i_ South Carolina, by the act entitled "An act to provide for the redemp- · tion and sale of the school-farm lands now he d in Beaufort County, South Carolina, by the United States," approved March third, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, be, and the same is hereby, extended
- ’°•'·P·m· to two years from the passage of this act.
Approved, September 25, 1890. $¤P°¤¤b¤Y 5, im- _ CHAP. 915.-A.n act to amend an act entitled "An act authorizing the construc- U`—_"‘"` hou of a bridge across the Red River of the North/’ approved July sixteenth, eighteen hundred and eighty-eight. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rgpresentattves of the mggigg djrggngcd United States_o{ America in Congress assemble , That section five Oomplgdgg emtd- of the act Gntit ed “An act authorizing the construction of & bridge °·?m_,,__p M umd_ across the Red River of the Noi·th," a proved July sixteenth, eightsa. ’ ’ een hundred and eighty-eight be, and) the same hereby is, amended so as to extend the time for completing said bridge to four years gem the date of passage of said act, instead of two years as specified erein. Approved, September 25, 1890.