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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/539

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rrrrvrxnsr oosennss. sm. 1. ous. 944.947. 1890. 485 this purpose_ the services of one or more artists, distinguished in their respective departments of art, who shall be paid for such serv- 109 from the contingent appropriation for the mint at Philadelphia." Approved, September 26, 1890. CHAP. 945.-An act to discontinue the coinage of the three-dollar and one-dollar Septcmbu 20, 1890. gold pieces and three-cent nickel piece. """‘—"""" Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That from and Ogamoftygg after the passgga of th? act the zoiplagehof the ithreezdpllar gpl? guerpiece, e one- o ar go piece an e t ree-cen nic e piece , . gud the aame is h3rgby;;Lpr]§>Ihibited,han{lT the dpgces named shall not e struc or issue e i t of the n't tates. Sec. 2. That as fast as the gaid coins shha be paid into the Treas- wimmwnma ze- · ury of the United States they shall be withdrawn from circulation °°‘“‘°· and be recoined into other denominations of coins. Sec. 3. That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this act mpesh are hereby repealed. Approved, September 26, 1890. DSIHAP. 946.-—An act creating an additional land offce in the State of North S¤vwmbcr¤;1¤t. ota. "'_—°"; Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rgplresentatices of the United States of America in Congress assemble , That all that por- rubue mus. tion of the State of North Dakota, bounded and described as fo]- N£,,,"{‘,‘{,,g;,"*,‘j1'_Y‘~ lows: Commencing at the northwest corner of the State of North mundane;. Dakota; thence east along the north boundary of said State to a point at the intersection of said line with the eleventh guide meridian; thence south along said meridian to the twelfth standard parallel; thence west along said parallel, when produced, to the western boundary line of said State of North Dakota; thence north along the western boundary line of said State to the place of beginning, be, and is hereby, constituted a new land district, to be ca led th M' ot land district. Sno} 12. That the lgiresicllmt ihsall degiignate the place in the district igmgommmwaa t hihthelando ces eoca . ‘ 3 Si;o,c3. That the President, bv and with the advice and consent of mkgfwrggdww the Senate, is hereby authorized to appoint a register and receiver m°° ` for said land district herebly created, who shall ischarge like and similar duties and receive the same amount of compensation therefor as other officers discharging like duties in the land offices of the State of North Dakota; an said land district shall be subjected, as oranges or mm-ie: other land districts are, under the laws, to be changed or consoli. °°d °“‘°°- dated with any other district or districts, and the land office may be changed to any other location by order of the President. Approved, September 26, 1890. nar. .-ith ‘ ht I wth H tchin dSo th as, em kdm CSL';". `¥..“.§’.E..i."ti‘€£1;”.i‘...¤ SP25mi Em, t§tg}‘.p»., .**33 t2?'.,.}.,.`,?. EI.'; —‘3°>'i‘f-’——L— from the city 0; Xnthopy, £uGth<;ES)t:tein0€h§»g;1:;1g.Of}h{_g;g;i the Indian Temtory, to BOIDG 1D t G COUD y 0 T3 , . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the sdiii>t$rlii'iz°¤?air$:g United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Hutehin- $;iggg‘§f,g}•;Yg,‘;“{,f son and Southern Railroad Comgpany, a corporation created under ggpcugiegnme 1;: and by virtue of the laws of the tate of Kansas, be, and the same is rm-y.