712 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 64, 65. 1891. the administration of the criminal laws of said State and the service of civil process therein. °P¤¤ ¤P•¤¤· * The building shall be unexposed to danger from fire by an open Space of at least forty feet on each side, including streets and alleys. Approved, January 12, 1891. J°'“”*'Y ‘*· Dm- CHAP. 65.-An act for the relief of the Mission Indians in the State of California. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the - lllssionIndi•¤s,Ca|. United States of America in Congress assembled, That immedi- ,,€,i§°,{§’,,',§f""“*’°"""‘ ately_ after the passage of this act the Secretary of the Interior shall Aw,;,,;,,,.,,.;.,;.,.,,,. appomt three isinterested persons as commissioners to arrange a ¤*¤¤°¤- Estsaind saézigacgory settlementof the Missgonhlricglanlsaresiding in e a e 0 a 1 omia, upon reserva ions w ic s secure to them as hereinafter provided. _1>¤¤i¤¤ vf wmv Sec. 2. That it shall be the duty of said commissioners to select ”°g.,°lsc' tions;.-mw,. a reservation for 'each band or village of the Mission Indians
- °““· resicpngbwithiln sigdditateé which reseivatiop shall includeia as far as
prac 1ca e e n an vi ages w ic ave een in the actual occupatiomand possession of said Indians, and which shall be sufficient in extent to meet their Fist requirements, which selection shall be valid when approved by the President and Secretary of the Inte- •m$gg;;;i <>f im- rior. They shal also appraise the value of the improvements belong- _ ‘ mg to any person to w om valid existing rights have attached under the public- and laws of the United States, or to the assignee of such person, where such im(provements are situated within the limits of any reservation selecte and defined by said commissioners subject in each case to the approval of the Secretary of the Interior, In mm¤w1¤v“f;¤m eng cases where the _Indians are in occupation of lands within the limits Im g"" ‘ gfgonliapied) pnyiate grapts, the ponémissiplneps ghall determine and e ne e oun aries o suc an s, an s a ascertain whether there are vacant public lands in the vicinity to which they may be removed. And the said commission is hereby authorized to emssurveyor andsssisr- ploy a comqpetent surveyor and the necessary assistants. "Ré t_ S120h3h hat commipsioneissupon the cpinlpletion of their du- P¤¤- ies, s a repo e resu to t ie ecretary o the Interior, who, if trgjygnegurgwévgggxq no validobjection exists, shall cause a patent to issue for each of the um. reservations selected bly the commission and approved by him in fa- ·»-»·-»¤~ £3Z€.°Si$‘éi1 Zitgnii §?.}flg£’.. it Hl‘”?é‘S i’°°#"’2"`g SW Sfmh £§S‘i"Zi?‘ · , -1 -e .aeec,an recare a e United States does and will hold the land thus patented, subject to P¤•¢.n·¤3~ the provisions of section four of this act, for the period of twenty-five years. in trust, for the sole use and benefit of the band or village to which It-IS issued, and that at the expiration of said period the United States; vgill convey fhelsame or the rern1aLnin(g portion not previously pa en e m severa ty y patent to said an or vi lage, 1 ischarged of said trust, and free of all charge or incumbrance whatsoever: P’°"""’* _ Provided, That no patent shall embrace any tract or tracts to which E¤¤i¤sv¤¤¤¤¤sM¤- existing valid rights have attached in favor of any person under any of the mted States laws providing for the disposition of the public domam, unlessdspch peiison shall acquiesce in and accept tdehapi praisa provi or in the rece in section in a res cts an s a _ thereafter, upon demand arid paymgnt of said appraisl:1 value, exe- ,,,{é’*;{;,}‘{{,*,‘j,’j”°¤°°°P*# cute a release of all title and c aim thereto; and a separate patent, in similar form, may be issued for any such tract or tracts, at any time _ h · thereafter. Any such person shall be permitted to exercise the same sewers mgm. right to take land under the public-land laws of the United States as though he had not made settlement on the lands embraced in said reservation; and a separate patent, in similar form, may be issued for