714 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cns. 65, 66. 1891. the discharge of his duties, and necessary traveling expenses; and for the payment of the same, and of the expenses of surveying, the Appropriation. sum of ten thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of any money in the Treasury not the wise appropriated. mgjg}¤;gg;;'¤gr§j;°$•§ O Sale. 8. Thiit giievious to the issuance of a patent for any reservapntont. ’ tion as provided in section three of this act the Secretary of the S¢¤f¢¤¤;v¤fI¤¤¢*i¤* Interior may authorize any citizen of the United States, lirm, or my g”°‘ corporation to construct a flume, ditch, canal, pipe, or other appli- Forwarcrpipesxw. ances for the conveyaancelof watqr over, across, cg through such reservation for agricu tura , manu acturing, or other purposes, upon Conditions. condition that the Indians owningor occupying such reservation or reservations shall, at all times during such ownership or occupation, be supplied with sufficient quantity of water for irrigating and domestic purposes upon such terms as shall be prescribed in writing by the ecretary of the Interior, and upon such other terms as he For railroedaevc. may prescribe, and may grant a right of way for rail or other roads Monson. through such reservation: Prorided, That any individual, firm, or 0o¤ditic¤a1b¤¤d,e¤c. corporation desiring such privilege shall first give bond to the United States, in such sum as may be required by the Secretary of the Interior, with good and sufficient sureties, for the performance of such conditions and stipulations as said Secretary may require as a · _ condition plrecedent to the granting of such authority: And provided U¤¤* Of www- further, That this act shall not authorize the Secretary of the lnterior to grant a right of way to any railroad company through any reservation for a longer distance than ten miles. And any patent. issued dfor any reseryation uplon whiqli Erich privilege his been ante , or for any al otmentt erein s a e su ject to suc privii§_§§}*’pj§e';*{{»“”' barge, right of way, or easement. Subsequent to the issuance of any tribal patent, or of any individual trust patent as provided in section five of this act, any pitgzen ofbthebUnited Stages, tirrnfor corporation may contract wit the tri e, an , or in ividua or whose use and benefit any lands are held in trust by the United States, for ` the right to construct a iiume, ditch, canal, pipe, or other appliances for the conveyance of water over, across, or through such lands, 0fS¤é:g;tt:pyapp1iq·;g1 which contract shall not be valid unless approved bfy the Secretary non ‘ of the Interior under suchconditions as he may see t to impose. Approved, January 12, 1891. -l¤¤¤¤¤’5’ W TSW CHAP. 66.-An act for the erection of a public building at Newburgh, New York. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repirsenfafires of the gtigygfbgglgidgm U nifed Sfafes of :iIIZ€7`l.C'(L in Congress assenzbled. That the Secretary Sn "of the ]Treasury be, and lhe is hereby, aqthorized and directed to ac- °~ quire, y purc ase, concemnation, or ot ierwise, a site and cause to mms- be erected thereon a suitable building, including fire-proof vaults, heating and veutilating apparatus, e evators, and approaches. for gm use and acqpmmodagon of the United State(slpost-office and other overnment offices, in the city of Newburgh an State of New York, °°“‘· the c_ost_of said site and building, including said vaults, heating and ventimtpig appagatushelevatprs,. and aipproaches, complete, not to excee the sum o one undre thousan ollars. ,,§`{§§§“?§$_*° °° “°‘ b Proppsalsétor the sale of land suitable for said site shall be invited y pu ic a vertisement in one or more of the newspapers of said city of largest circulation for at least twenty days prior to the date specified in said advertisement for the opening of said proposals. R*’SP°°S°*· d Propiosag in lréesponse to said advertisemeutshshalll be adresse an mai e tot e Secretary of the Treasury,w os all then Examination, eso., cause the said proposed sites, and such others as he may think proper by '*"°°·"“*'Y °€°“”— to designate, to be examined in person by an agent of the Treasury
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