{ 726 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 86, 8*2*. 1891. <`1<>¤¤P·=!¤S¤¤i<>¤ 0* The compensation of said commissioners shall be fixed by the Sec- °°mmm°°°”‘ retary of the Treasury, but the same shall not exceed six dollars per Prwi-w. day and actual traveling expenses: Provided, hou·ere1·, That the Treasury member. member of said commission appointed from the Treasury Department shall be ai l only his actual traveling expenses. Nocxpenditureuntil No money siiall be used for the Ipurpose mentioned until a valid “‘“‘““ °·°°"··*’°“· title to the site for said building sha be vested in the United States, nor until the State of Massachusetts shall have ceded to the United States exclusive `urisdiction over the same, during the time the United States shall be or remain the owner thereof, for all purposes except the administratiolp of the criminal laws of said State an the service of civi rocess therein open spaee. The buildingghall be unexposed to danger from fire by an open space of at least forty feet on each side, including streets and alleys. Approved, January 21, 1891. January 3,1991. CHAP. 8’I.—An act to provide for enlarging the proposed public building at Sa- •—’—_—’—" vannah, Georgia.; the purchase of another site, if practicable, and for the sale of the present site. Be it enacted by the Senate and House ry Representatives of the §1;}ic¤¤*'*, {,9 °- 8,,0 _Un·ited States of America in Congress assem led, That an act of Conew.' gress approved June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty-six, J°‘·"”**’·’°°·““°“°‘ authorizing the erection of a public buildindgl for the use and accomi modation of the United States circuit and 'strict courts and ostoffice, and other Government uses, in the city of Savannah and State Limit er een in- of Georgia, be, and the same is hereby, amended so as to increase °'°°¤°°· _ the limit of cost of site and building, including hre-proof vaults, heating and ventilatin apparatus, e evators, and approaches comlete, from two hundred thousand dollars to four hun red thousand
dollars, in order to provide for the enlargement of the building contemplated by present plans, and if found practicable the purchase
sm. of another site, and the sale of the site situated about one hundred and seventygtwo feet on York street and ninety feet on Abercorn street, in said cit . New sire. Sec. 2. That shibuld it be deemed practicable to select another site ‘ for said building it shall be purchased, acquired by condemnation, ri-epems mee ea- or otherwise provided, upon the following conditions: Proposals "°’“°°" °°"· for the sale of land suitable for said site shall be invited by public advertisement in one or more of the newspapers of said city for at least fourteen days prior to the date specified in the advertisements www- for opening the proposals. The proposals made in response to said public advertisements at the time named in the advertisements, or within ten days subsequent thereto, shall be received, opened, and Aprointmcnrorccm- considered by a commission of three ersons, who shall be appointed °`m°°‘ by the Secretary of the Treasury, and it shall be the dut of said commission to forward to the Secretary of the Treasury, within forty days from the date named in the advertisements for opening the frorcepea. posals, a written report with the original proposals, maps, an so orth, and the oaths prescribed by act of Congress a proved June twenty-third, eighteen hundred and seventy-four, anci) to definitely state in said report the site selected by them, and their selection of the mmieexemeu. site shall be final; and each commissioner shall be allowed a com- Compensation er pensation for his services of an amount within the discretion of the `°°"‘“"”‘°°°”‘ ecretary of the Treasury, said compensation not to exceed two hundred dollars, and actual traveling expenses, to each commissioner. OW" *‘P“°°- The building shall be unexposed to danger from Tire by an open space of at least thirty-six feet on each side including streets and alleys. mS:l·=°°*=—°* P¤*¤°¤* Sec. 3. That should another site be selecte under the provisions ` herein contained the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby,