728 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 91, 92, 98. 1891. Treasury member. member of said commission appointed from the Treasury Department shall be paid only his actual traveling expenses. _N<> rm- No money shall be used for the purpose mentioned until a valid
- l.,,{°h °°l°’ °°°" title to the site for said buildinglsha l be vested in the United States,
nor until the State of Oregon s all have ceded to the United States exclusive 'urisdiction over the same, during the time the United States shall be or remain the owner thereof, for all purposes except the administration of the criminallaws of said State an the service of civil process therein. 01>¤¤ ¤1¤¤<=<·>· The building shall be unexposed to danger from fire by an open space of at least forty feet on each side, including streets and alleys., Approved, January 24, 1891. Jn-mmry 24.1891. CHAP. 92.-An act to provide the assessor of the District of Columbia with plats _"‘”—"_" of subdivisions outside the cities of Washington and Georgetown. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the
United States cg America in C'¢mg·ress assembled, That the sum of
outside wssmsgmu, five thousand ollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be, °°§ - -0,, f,,,. and the same is hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the vrg mm Treasury not otherwise_appropr1ated. one_ half to be charge against menus,, the revenues of the District of Columbia, to enable the Commis-· _ sioners thereof to provide the office of the assessor of taxes with plats or maps of all subdivisions of land in said District outside the cities of Washington and Georgetown. mdn Sec. 2. That said plats or maps shall show the subdivided tracts of land by courses and distances; they shall show the areas of the lots and squares therein, and the dimensions of the streets and avenues, and such other data as may be necessary to enable the assessor to locate and assess such land and the improvements thereon. Such mm to ne round, plats shall be conveniently arranged, indexed, and bound in volumes °""‘ of convenient size; and the Commissioners are hereby authorized to sue or copies or sell copies of said plats at the cost of the paper, press-work, and Pm b°°"· binding, and ten per centum additional, the proceeds of sales thereof to be turned into the Treasury, as other District revenues are, and applied towards re-imbursing this appropriation. Approved, January 24, 1891. January :5, 1891. CHAP. 98.-An act to a thorize the Secretary of War to loan certain cannon to '*""*"*‘ the Saratoga Monument Agociation. Re it enacted by the_Senate and House of Representatives of the mgeg Tum United States eg America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary ms of certain cannon of War be, an is hereby, authorized to loan to the Saratoga Monu-
“°“‘ B“"‘ ment Association the fo lowing cannon, and so forth, captured from
General Burgoyne at Saratoga, and now on hand at the Wateryliet Arsenal. West `roy, New York, namely, four twelve-pounder guns, one eight—inch howitzer, one twenty-four pounder howitzer, one eightinch mortar, and one twenty-four pounder mortar, all bronze: P"*·>i¤¢·¤· Provided, That the Secretary of War shall cause the four twelverebememzeu. pounder guns to be mounted on suitable carriages before their delivmlvévevggieguxxogl ery: Provided, That said cannon shall be removed from said arsenal ,.,,,,,1, N_y_ without expense to the United States Government. Approved, January 26, 1891.