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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/1082

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PROCLAMATION. N0. 43. 1061 thirty-seven (37) and thirty-eight (38) East,to the Sixth (6th) Standard p.,,,,; ,.,,m.a..,., Parallel South; thence easterly along said Sixth (6th) Standard Par- °•“*°¤*** Eel to the south—east corner of Township twenty-four (24) South, nge thirty-seven (37) East- thence northerly along the range line between Ranges thirtyseven, (37) and thirty-eight (38) East, to the northeast corner of Township twenty-four (24) South, Range thirty- seven (37) East; thence easterly along the township line between Townships tv;_e;Ety-thrilee ($3) atndtltwentyéi$o1g·(2;4i) mth, tpytltie s(;n1(th·e::;st corner o owns ip wen y- ree ou nge 1r y-s n 4 East; thence northerly along the range line between Range thirty- seven (37) and thirty-eight (38) East, to the Fifth (5th) Standard Parallel South; thence westerly along said Fifth (5th) Standard Parallel South, to the south-east corner of Section thirty-one (31), Township twenty (20) South, Range thirty-seven (37) East; thence northerly along the western boundary line of Sections thirty-two (32), twenty- nine (29), twenty (20), seventeen (17), eight (8) alnd fiveé5) to the 3lorth— west corner of Section live 5) in said towns ip an range- ence westerly along the township line between Townships nineteen 219) and twenty (20) South, to the the south-east corner of Township nineteen (19) South, Range thirty-six (36) East; thence northerly along the range ine between Ranges thirty-six (36) and thirty-seven (37) East, $0 the uarter-section corner on the east line of Section thirty-six (36) ownslhip nineteen (19) South, Range thirty-six (36) East, westerly oh a line through the centres of Sections thirty-six (36) and thirty-tive (35) to the centre of Section thirty-five (35), northerly on a l1ne through the centres of Sections thirty-five (35), gswentw-six, '(26),(tw;anty-thrfee (23) and fourteen (14) to the centre of ection our een eas 1- yon a line through the cenltrg of SectioI;;`ourte§i11)(14)i tg the cinrialrtezr-secig;1 b tween said ection o een ( an ec ion 1r een gnldmilortlnerly along the section lines on the west boundary of Secz tions thirteen (13), twelve (12) and one (1) to the north-west corner of Section one (1), all of said township and range; thence northerly along the section lines on the west boundary of Sections thirty-six (36) and twenty-five1(25),rCJ:‘lownship eighteein (185Sg1;th{ Ragiggntilglirgayé ' 36 E lt tot eno -wes cornero said c·on w - $25) ( egsterzdy along the section line between Sections twenty-four (24), and twenty-five (25) to the quarter-section corner between sag ti th l thr h the centres of Sections twenty-iour (L Zfncd ttlhlitlegli 33%, to ttlhée quartersection corner between Sections thirteen (13) and twelve (12), westerly along the section line to the southwest corner of Section twelve (12) and northerly along the section lines on the west boundary of Sections twelve (1..) and one (1) to the north-west corner of Section one (1), of said township and range; thence northerly along the section line on the west boundary of Section thirty-six (36), Township seventeen (17) South,_ Range thll't_\'·SlX (36) East, to the quarter-section corner between Sectugis tlnxéty-it§g)(35) apt;} thirt -six (36 westerly to the centre of Section _ nrty· ve , nor · erly bn a line)throu gh the centres of Sections thirty-hve (35), twenty- six (26), twenty-three (23), fourteen (14) and eleven (11) to the quartersection eorner between Sections eleven (11) and two(2), westerly along the section line to the south—west corner of Sectio;_1§:o_(2) and nprtharlyé l th ,t' l' , to the north-west corner o ction two (L. a o gaidiowiislhiplghallgsiige; thence westerly along the surveyed aind unsurvevcd line of the Fourth (4th) Standard Parallel Soutl? totlgigxlutl: t `: f T · hi nsixteen (16) South Range thirty-_our( as ; giiéncbodgghirlyodlggg the range line between Ranges thirty-three (33) and thirty-four (34) East, to the north-west cornerot Township ngeen (hp) South, Range thirty-four (34) East; thence easterly along the wns p line between Townships fonrtef; (gl) rand (lu) Smith, to Eng sggtheggst f T wnsb` fourteen ( ou ange 1 r y- _ V · . thehge (northerly JH the range line between Ranges thirty-;_ou1l;t(34) ami _ thirty-five (35) East, to the north-west corner ot towns up ou een , )