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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/1087

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1066 PROCLAMATIONS. Nos. 46, 47. Falls Canal in transit to any port of the Dominion of Canada, whether carried in vessels of the United States or of other nations;" and to that extent thereby suspended “from and after said date the right of free passage through said St. Mary’s Falls Canal of any and all cargoes or portions of cargoes in transit to Canadian ports," and _ _ Whereas, the above order was issued in consequence of the imposition by the Government of the Dominion of Canada of a discriminating toll whereby unjust and unreasonable burdens were placed, in violation of article 27 of the Treaty of Washington, upon the carrying of passengers and cargoes through the Welland Canal in transit to ports of the United States, as is fully set forth in the said proclamation; and Whereas, by an Order in Council dated February 13, 1893, the Governor General of the Dominion of Canada has directed that "for the season of 1893, the canal tolls for the passage of the following food products, wheat, Indian corn, peas, barley, rye, oats, iiax seed and buckwheat, for passage eastward through the Welland Canal be 10 cents per ton; and for passage westward through the St. Lawrence Canals only 10 cents per ton; payment of the said toll of 10 cents per ton for passage through the WeHand Canal to entitle these products to free passage through the St. Lawrence Canals;" and Whereas, I have received satisfactory assurances that this order revokes during the season of 1893 the discriminating provisions above referred to and secures to citizens of the United States equality with British subjects as regards the use of said canals:- (mS“·:,P°P’,§‘;” °*` if Now, therefore, I, Benjamin Harrison, President of the United States nmm?gs». Wqg of America, by virtue of the said Act of Congress approved July 26, §`,‘;*f,“P0;”B‘f* f"' C""' 1892, do hereby declare and proclann that from and after the date hereof, and until further notice, the provisions of my said proclamation of August 18, 1892, are suspended, in so far as they direct that a toll of 20 cents per ton be levied, collected, and paid on all freight of whatever kind or description passing through the St. Mary’s Falls Canal in transit to any port of the Dominion of Canada whether carried in vessels of the United States or of other nations. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the City of Washingtoii this twentydirst day of February one thousand eight hundred and ninety-three and of the Inde- [SEAL.] pendence of the United States of America the one hundred and seventeenth. B H ENJ ARRISON By the President: Jour: W. Fosrnn, Secretary of State. [No. 47.] F·=*¤¤¤v 2·*· 18**3- BY 1*111: Pnnsinmvr or rim Umrun Srnrns or Amnmci. A PROCLAMATION. §;*;_¤;g‘>§·u03 Whereas, it is provided by section twenty-four of the Act of Con· ’` gress, approved March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, entitled, “An act to repeal timber-culture laws, and for other purposes? “That the President of the United States may. from time to time, set apart and reserve, in any State or Territory having public land bearing forests, in any part of the public lands wholly or in part covered with timber or undergrowth, whether of commercial value or not, as public reservations, and the President shall, by public proclamation, declare the establishment of such reservations and the limits thereof ;”