Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/1179

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INDEX. ] 1 59 Pa e. , Secretary of War-Continued. g ; Securities, United States—Continued. Pam to approve plans, etc., of bridge across L appropriation for sealing nndseparatinrr.364 588 Coosa wer, Ala -. . 412 ‘ En witness, destruction of ... 364, 588 gorpushC1l1risti Channel, Tex .. . . . . - 118 { for canceling, etc 588 nglis ayou, a .. . . 149 * for custodv of dies roll a ·. . . . . Galveston and Brazos Canal, Tex .. 447 I Swdv,, sy ud plates 364, 588 Hiivassee River at Charleston, Tenn -.- 423 ‘ appropriation for distributing, etc., De- Illmoigjlivor at Havana., Ills . ,,,., 44 I partment of Agriculture .,..., . 78. 738 Mississgal River at Moline, Ills ---- 49 Seeds Division, I)epm·1m» nt of Agriculture A New leans, La . 425 appropriation for chief, superintendent Quincy, Ills .. 58 I clerks . , 76 736 lioint penis, Mo .. . ... .--- 513 for distributing seeds, etc . . 78; 738 Missouri River at Chamberlain, S. Dak- 17 l for expenses ... . . . . 78, 739 De. Witt, Mo ,,,.. 31 allotment to Senators, etc .. . . 78, 739 Saint Charles, Mo . . . . 38 l distribution of uncalled-for seeds, etc.78, 739 Yankton, S. Dak . 55 I report; no diversion of iimds allowed.78, 739 Mob? River at Mount Vernon Lending, distribution to be adapted to locality, 5 ----·--· -· --.. .. 433 : etc . . ..78 739 Monongahela River at Bellevernon, Pa. 475 l for printing, etc . . . 78; 739 Elizabeth, Pa . .,,___ , _,__ 457 { Seminole Indians, Homestead, Pa . . . -.- 449 j appropriation for fulfilling treaties with .130, 621 between Miulin and Wilkins, Pa . 463 i a lotment of lands in severalty to 645 Owe Biveriilio ..,_ -- - 429 y alluttees to; beudeetmedtzfitiieens . . . . 645 BIDBW 0 .. - . ,,.. ., , _ _ _ _______ 32 { 00mm18s10D 0 ea W1 01* cession o ` { Big Grgndz dg] Nortg B1-°yrnnvi]]g’ Tex,, title to lnndg _______ , _____________ , , 645 Saint I5:£[l:*:;l*§'?:él¥6¤W ·----- - ·-·-· Ljg i Seminole Indians,!-Fla., ·-···----- · . ·----- . appropriation or u ort . ...*7 Saint Mary; River, Ga. and Fla .. --- 448 j saga, P s Pp ’ em ’ of 13% 6-8 g;l·v¤;1;n§l1v°;'v;>`iitoHntchinson Island, Ga I oppropgiation for compensation of Sena-83 7 S ···-- -··---·--·-·· ··-- IS .. ---- .. .. __,, T£l8P00l$ BlV6I', A13 --··-·- · - · - · ----·· 412 for mileage ... Togncsnzc gg2r, Ala -.---- - -------· 53, 2% ae;.-gg;-5 to vice-President, etc {sg, egg _ r ---•·------··- · •· - - -·--- B . . - - . . DGP0N1E5h ---- -- ---------·.. . .. 335 for Secretary, clerks, etc .,_,.. 183: 675 ?h;_m° . Ab - -·-- · ----··-·-- . ... gg3G for clerks {md messengers to committees, ¤ _¤¤¤¤§¤°° --------------·-- . . .. annua . .. 184 675 Warner RWM'. All --·.-------.. . . .. 53, 438 for Sergeant—at-Arms, Doorkeeper, assist- 7 to approve proposed structures in navign- nntgl eng _____ _ _ ______ _ _ ___,_,,..,. 184, 676 ble W§lF¤1'¤ ·--·--·-···-- . . .. 111 for messengers, laborers, pages, etc ,. .184, 676 to approve right of way through Arlington for postmaster, assistant, etc .. . . . .185, 676 R880!'V¤l7l0¤, VB ..- . 747 for superintendent of document room, Fort Custer Reservation 530 assistants, em . ... 185, 676 lands at Erie, Pa . . . . . . . 473 for superintendent of folding room, Wvhipplé Barracks, Ariz ..., _ ,___,,, 462 gggigtnntg, oto _ , - , ,,,,____ _ ,______ ]85_ 676 to convey part_0f Fort McClary Reserve.- for chief engineer, assistants, etc .. 185, 677 tion to Kittery, Me . - - .. 421 for clerks to committees, session .. 185, 677 to deliver condemned cannon, etc., to for clerks to Senators . 185, 677 Chickamauga Park 376 for contingent expenses; stationery and to deliver to Gettysburg Battlefield Memo- newspapers ...,_., 185, 677 rinl Association specimens of arms, for rostage stumps 185, 677 etc., used in the battle .,.,, . . .. 276 for liorses, mail wu. ons, etc . . 1E5, 677 to detail oililcers for special service, World’s for folding materialin; folding . 185, 386. 677 Columbian Exposition . 363 for fuel, oil, etc . - . 185, 677 to determine vulue of land of Louisville I for furniture, repairs, etc .. 185,677 and Portland Canal granted to Ken- for packing boxes . 186, 677 tucky and Indiana Bridge Company . 61 for miscellaneous items . . .. 186, 677 to determine sums due to citizens of Jeffer- I Maltby building 186, 677 son County, Ky .. . . . -.- 571 1 for inquiries and investigations . . .186, 677 to furnish copies of Rebellion Records for ‘ for reporting debates .. 186, 677 members of Fifty-second Congress.. 378 I for repairs, etc., heating and machinery. 367 lirst five volumes to complete sets of . for improving ventilation .. 367 Rebellion Records .. - ... 378 i for printing and binding s . 387, 611 to furnish river and harbor estimates by ; for session employees, 1893,av:ii1ableh·om October 1, for Book ofl·)stimntes. . . 603 ’ July 1. 1892 .-.. 301 to pay C. P. Goodyear for channel, outer for salaries for August, 1892, session embnr at Brunswick, Go . 280, 529 1 ployees .. . .-.-.-·----.--.-. 403 to relieve Citadel Academy from respousi- for electric-light plant . 591 bility for burned ordnance, etc .. 415 for index to Congressional documents . - 610 to select board'to test magazine rides of . for Hey1’s "Duties on Imports" 610 American invention; adoption . 486 for widow of John E. KCHHH 610 to submit to Congress what amount can l for payment to executors of Randall E. be profitably expended for restrain- Gibson. . . ._ .. . .: . ... 610 ing mining debris in Calitbrnia 393 ! for index to private claims . 610 to suparviseHa¤conm;s of Volunteer Sol- 653 d for inuugura expenses . , . . . b1O dit-ers' omg; ,_,,_,_,.____ _ _____ ,,,. etioienoy approprio, ron or lnves i a- to supply condemned cannon, etc., An- ti0¤¤, BUG ..·...-----·~ -_- - -6. 30. 3%. 301. 663 tigtam batuqgeld ____ _ ,,_______ ,, , . 599 uuexpended balance, miscellaneous, Securities, lZ’n·ited States, 1893, available for 1893 . 301 appropriation for distinctive paper, etc. .364, 588 l for stationery and newspapers . 36, 663