FIFTY-SECON D CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 158. 1892. 99 Improving Appomattox River, Virginia: Completing improvement, Vjvvommox Ri**¤ fifteen thousand and eighty dollars. ` Improving Nansemond River, Virginia: Continuing improvement, ten Vnmimnsmi nm", thousand dollars. a' Improving Chickahominy River, Virginia: Completing improvement, m_Ci,1;¢k¤b¤mi¤>* Rin ive thousand dollars. ’ ' Improving James River, Virginia: Continuing improvement, two James mvsr, va. hundred thousand dollars. Improving Mattaponi River, Virginia: Continuing improvement, Vgf¤¤¤·1><>¤i Riverfour thousand dollars, of which one thousand five hundred dollars shall ` be expended between Aylett’s and Guinea’s bridges. Improving Nomini Creek, Virginia: Continuing improvement, ten N¤¤¤i¤i or·=<¤k.V=· thousand dollars. Improving Pamunkey River, Virginia: Continuing improvement, Vf¤·¤¤¤l<•>5’ River three thousand dollars. ` Improving Rappahannock River, Virginia: Continuing improvement, Réppalmnucck Rivtwenty thousand dollars. °r’ a' Improving Urbanna Creek, Virginia: Continuing improvement three U*l>==¤¤¤== CMM V¤- thousand dollars. Improving York River, Virginia: Continuing improvement, thirty- York izmmva. five thousand dollars. Improving Aquia Creek, Virginia: Continuing improvement, five A·1¤i¤C*¤¤k· V¤- thousand dollars. Improving Occoquan Creek, Virginia: Continuing improvement, five ocmqmm omnva. thousand dollars. Improving Lower Machodoc Creek, Virginia, three thousand dollars. °§j‘“°h°‘1°° Improving Elk River, West Virginia, two thousand five hundred E“‘R*"°'·W-V* dollars. Improving Great Kanawha River, West Virginia; continuing im- 9rG`{,¤·{,K¤¤·v¤¤Ri*- provement, two hundred and twenty five thousand dollars: Provided, i·,..a‘31 That contracts may be entered into`by the Secretary of War for such C°“"”°*°· materials and work as may be necessary to complete the revised project of improvement of January eighth, eighteen hundred and ninety two, to be paid for as appropriations may from time to time be made by law, not to exceed in the aggregate one million eighty thousand seven hun- Limit. dreél dollars, exclusive of the amount herein and heretofore appropriate . Improving Guyandotte River, West Virginia: For maintenance, two WGg§°¤d°**° Rim'- thousand dollars,` Improving Gauley River, West Virginia: Continuing improvement, vG¢~¤l¤>· 1¤v¤r.W- three thousand dollars. °` Improving Monongahela River, West Virginia: Continuing improve- WM32°¤H*b•=*¤ R**°*· ment, twenty-five thousand dollars, for beginning work on lock and` dam number ten. Improving inland water way between Beaufort Harbor and New Wnwrway. Bemi- River, North Carolina: Continuing improvement; ten thousand dollars. f°m°N°wR"°"N‘°' Improving Lockwoods Folly River, North Carolina: Continuing im- m{;:jk;,'°g**¤ FMI? provement, three thousand dollars “` Improving North East (Cape Fear) River, North Carolina: Continu- FN·>r¢b Ent <¤¤r¤ ing improvement, five thousand dollars °°‘° R"°r’ N' C' Improving Ocracoke Inlet, North Carolina: Continuing improvement, °°¤*°°k°I¤*°*·N·C· fifteen thousand dollars. Improving Pasquotank River, North Carolina: Continuing improve- NPé·¤·1¤·=·¤=~¤k Bimment, three thousand dollars.' Improving Cape Fear River, North Carolina, above Wilmington: N‘{§P° Fw R*"°’· Continuing improvement, fifteen thousand dollars.` Improving Cape Fear River, North Carolina, at and below Wilmington: Continuing improvement, two hundred thousand dollars. Illlproving Contentnia Creek, North Carolina: Continuing improve- N,C<3¤¤=¤¢¤i=~ Crvek. ment, seven thousand dollars.`°' Improving Neuse River, North Carolina: Continuing improvement, N°°¤¤ R*'¤‘·N·C· nfteen thousand dollars.