FIFTYSECOND CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 164. 1892. 135 For support, civilization, and instruction of the Klamaths and Modocs, h§1!;¤¤*l= -*g¤¤¤¥ and other Indians of the Klamath Agency, in Oregon, including pay of s` employees, five thousand dollars. For support and civilization of the Kansas Indians, including agri- mum. gulpural assistance and pay of employees, two thousand five hundred o ars. · For support and civilization of the Kickapoo Indians in the Indian Ki¤k¤1><>¤¤- Territory, five thousand dollars. For support and civilization of the Makahas, including pay of em- Mmmm. ployees, four thousand dollars. For the civilization of the Moqui Indians, and pay of employees, six Moqun. thousand dollars. For support and civilization of the Modoc Indians now residing within M<>•1<>¤¤. Ind- Torthe Indian Territory, four thousand dollars. For support and civilization of the Navajo Indians, including pay of Nawuos. employees, seven thousand five hundred dollars; For purposes of irrigation and running sawmill on the Navajo Reserva- I¤is¤fi¤¤· etcfion, seven thousand five hundred dollars; in all, nfteen thousand dollars. For additional subsistence and civilization of the Northern Cheyenne im-asm Chey- and Arapahoe Indians on the Tongue River, in Montana, twenty-five °""°“ “"° A”’*’”h°°" thousand dollars. For the purchase of agricultural implements and support and civiliza- b_1;¤¤Per¤é¤.Jo¤¤ph’¤ tion of J oseph’s band of Nez Percés Indians, twelve thousand dollars. d' For support and civilization of the Nez Percés Indians in Idaho, Nu P¤¤•=餷 Id=¤<>- including pay of physician, six thousand five hundred dollars. For support and civilization of the Poncas, including pay of employees, P<¤¤¤¤¤· eighteen thousand dollars: Provided, That this amount be divided pro Proviwrata among all the members of said tribe in the Indian Territory and in m*i¤i°¤· South Dakota. ` For support and civilization of the Quinaielts and Quillehutes, in- I I?¤;i¤¤i¤1t¤¤¤<1Q¤i1· cludin g pay of employees, four thousand dollars. ° " °°‘ For temporary support and civilization of the Shebits tribe of Indians S'¤°'¤**¤· in ‘Washingt0n County, Utah, to enable them to become self-supporting, the purchase of animals, implements, seeds, clothing, and other necessary articles, for the erection of houses, and for the temporary employment of a person to supervise the purchases and their distribution to the Shebits, five thousand dollars. For support and civilization of Shoshone Indians in WyOlllll)g2,`, fifteen Sl¤°¤l>¤¤°¤· WW- thousand dollars. _ For support and civilization of Shoshone Indians in Nevada, includ- S*‘""“"'°"· *°"· ing pay of employees, ten thousand dollars. Support of Seminoles in Florida: For support, civilization, and in- S°¤¤*¤°*•=¤· Fl"- struction of the Seminole Indians in Florida, six thousand dollars. _ For support and civilization of Sioux of Devils Lake, including pay S*°“‘· D""“" L'“‘°· of employees, six thousand dollars. For support and civilization of the S’Klallam Indians including pay S’K1°U*“¤°· of employees, four thousand dollars. For support and civilization of the Tonkmva Indians, and for seeds T"'”‘°'"’· and agricultural implements, five thousand dollars. Wann For support and civilization. of the Walla YValla, Cayuse. and Uma- y.E;§u°§,,d vm3m?? gilla tribes, including pay of employees, six thousand five hundred dol~ ars. For support and civilization of the Yakamas and other Indians at Y“k°°m' °t°' said agency, including pay of employees, ten thousand dollars.