FIFTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 171. 1892. 155 Southwest section schedule, thirty-six thousand seven hundred and forty-seven dollars. Southeast section schedule, fifty-one thousand three hundred and ninety-five dollars Northeast section schedule, fifty-eight thousand eight hundred and six dollars: Provided, That the streets and avenues shall be completed in the Prvvmorder in which they appear in said schedules, except High street, so Ordcwfprcccdencc. far as the amount of money herein appropriated shall suffice for the work, and one-half of the cost of widening High street named in the Highstreet,George- Georgetown schedule shall be charged to the Georgetown and Tennal- *°§§,g, mw], ud lytown Railway Company of the District of Columbia and collected Tcnwlywwn Railirom said company in the same manner as the cost of laying down §,YhE,)j¥E§§”,§·$§,{’.*H pavements, sewers, and other works, or repairing the same, lying be- i¤s- tween the exterior rails of the tracks of street railways, and for a distance of two ieet from and exterior to such track or tracks on each side thereof, are collectible under the proviims of section five of the act vcl. 20, 1:.106. entitled “An act providing a permanent form of government for the District of Columbia, approved June eleventh, eighteen hundred and seventyeight"; and the act of August twenty-second, eighteen hun- V··¤· 25. ir-441 dred and eighty-eight, entitled “An act to incorporate the Georgetown and Tennallytown Railway Company of the District of Columbia,” is hereby altered and amended so as to authorize and require such charge and collection. That under appropriations contained in this act no contract shall be Limit for ccucrccc made for making or repairing concrete or asphalt pavement at a higher *“"'°'"°“"‘ price than two dollars per square yard for a quality equal to the best laid in the District prior to July iirst, eighteen hundred and eighty-six, and with same depth of base: Provided, That these conditions as to mama. price and depth of base shall not apply to those streets on which, in Increase f,, mm. the judgment of the Commissioners of the District, by reason of heavy ¤"°°*°· trafiic, poor foundation, or other causes, a pavement of more than ordinary strength is required, in which case the limit of price may be increased to two dollars and twenty-five cents per square yard. _ GRADING Srnnnrs, Amlnrs, AND Ronns: For the purchase of G'“‘““g· horses, cars, carts, or the hire of the same, to be used by prisoners and inmates of the WVashington Asylum in the work of grading, two thousand dollars. Itnriuus ro Punmnnrsz For repairs to concrete pavements with R*`*‘“‘"·*’“°‘“°"*“· the same or other not interior material, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. PLATS on SUBDIVISIONS OUTSIDE on `VASHINGTON AND GEORGE- _S_¤¤divi¤i··¤ wr TOVVN: To pay the expenses of such surveys as may be necessary to `°’°` enable the Commissioners of the District to determine if plats of subdivisions of land within the District otfered for record have been made in contbrmity to the “Act to regulate subdivision of land within the V·>1·25· P-451- District of ()olumbia,” approved August twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, four thousand dollars. snwnus. S·w¤r·· d ger cleaning and repairing sewers and basins, forty-five thousand C'°"‘“‘g·°‘°· o ars. I $01* replacing obstructed and insufficient sewers, twenty-five thousand R°Pl¤°*¤%- 1 dollars. For main and pipe sewers, seventy-tive thousand dollars. ““’“ ""“*"*’°"· For commencing the construction of a main intercepting sewer as a N°“’ ““‘*“· part of, and in accordance with, the general plan for sewers recommended by the Board of Sanitary Engineers, appointed by the President of the United States, pursuant to the provisions of an act of Congress Wl- 2*4*-799- approved March second, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, and whose report is published in House Executive Document Numbered Four