FIFTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 171. 1892. 165 For the German Orphan Asylum, maintenance, two thousand dol- Agggjln 0*1•l·==¤ lars. ‘ ` For the National Association for Destitute Colored Women and Chil- .A”°°*“*°” *°’ D°¤· dren, maintenance, ten thousand dollars. ;ifit° C°1°"d W°m°°’ To enable said association to care for colored foundlings, three thousand dollars. For Saint Ann’s Infant Asylum, maintenance, six thousand five hun- Saint Amvs Infant dred dollars. As""' For the Washington Hospital for Foundlings, maintenance, six F·>¤¤<¤i¤¤rH·>¤Pi¢¤¥· thousand dollars. For Association for Works of Mercy, maintenance, two thousand Association for dollars- · Works of Mercy. d B13; maintenance of the National Temperance Home, two thousand ,¤1g§§§°j‘,;L_ T°‘“P"" o s. For House of the Good Shepherd, maintenance, three thousand dol- House ¤f the Good lam. Shepherd. For Saint Joseph’s Asylum, maintenance, two thousand dollars. 1uS·¤¤* J<>¤¤l>l>’¤ Mr- For the Women’s Union Christian Association, maintenance, two wm.,e¤·¤ Union hundred and iiity dollars. _ ‘”“'*°“'“‘“°°*’*‘°“· That in all cases where members of Congress or Senators are ap- ssmamrmmbm pointed to represent Congress on any Board of Trustees or Board of "“ *'“" Directors of any corporation or institution to which Congress makes any appropriation, the terms of aid members or Senators as such trustee or director shall continue until the expiration of two months aher the first meeting of the Congress chosen next after their appointment. Fon run Imnusrmiu. Hom: Scnoo1.:,For maintenance, mcluding niuuam um. construction of fire escape, thirteen thousand dollars. S°"°°" Rnronm Scuoor. Fon Guns: For the erection and completion, ac- <Mr1¤'¤¤f¤¤¤¤<=¤····1- cording to plans and specifications to be prepared by the inspector of °°“”"'°**°'*· buildings and approved by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, of a suitable building or buildings, to be used as a reform school for girls, thirty-five thousand dollars, to be expended under the direction of said Commissioners. Said building shall be erected on land belonging to the United States to be selected by the Attorney- General, the Secretary of War, and the Engineer Commissioner of the District of Columbia: Provided, That if, in their judgment, a suitable P~¤€••¤•- site can not be obtained on lands now owned by the United States, not Sire. exceeding five thousand dollars of the sum herein appropriated may be used for the purchase of not exceeding twenty acres of ground, to be selected by them, on which to erect said Reform School for Girls: Provided further, That said building shall not be erectedon land belong- Nov vg K6 }>{¤¤%<>¤ ing to the Reform School of the District of Columbia. R°f°"" °° °° °° ' d Eor the Saint Rose Industrial School, maintenance, five thousand mh? I¤·l¤•· o ars. To enable the Secretary of the Interior to provide for the education _,§·_}*;_*j*;§_*;}*d*;f,,f$°”** of feeble-minded children belonging to the District of Columbia, as provided for in the act approved June sixteenth, eighteen hundred and Eighty, four thousand three hundred dollars. or so much thereof as may '°'* m·P·""· necessary. Mrmrn Or Tim Drsrmcr OF COLUMBIA. For the following to be expended under the authority of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, namely: 1 Igor rent, fuel, light, care, and repair of armories, fourteen thousand Rent cwc dollars. For current expenses, namely: For lockers, gun racks, and furniture C"’*"°‘P°““°'· for armories, one thousand dollars. For printing and stationery, three hundred dollars. _ For cleaning and repairing uniforms, arms, and equipments, and contingent expenses, one hundred and fifty dollars.