FIFTY-SECGN D CONGRESS.Sess. I. Ch. 197. 1892. 231 Portuguese Dominions: Consuls at Fayal (Azores), and Funchal (Madeira). San Domingo: Consul at Santo Domingo. ` Spain: Consuls at Barcelona, Cadiz, Cardenas, Denia, and Malaga. Switzerland : Consul at Geneva. Sweden and Norway: Consuls at Gottenberg, and Stockholm. Turkey: Consul at Sivas. Venezuela: Consuls at La Guayra, and Puerto Cabello. SCHEDULE C. $¤l¤·>¤¤1¤ C- CLASS VH_ yogi8GB VII, $1,000 K At one thousand dollars per annum. Belgium: Consul at Ghent. ` Chile: Consul at Talcahuano. France and French Dominions: Consul at Nantes. Germany: Consul at Stettin. Great Britain and British Dominions: Consuls at Gaspe Basin (Canada), Sierra Leone (West Africa), Turks Island, and Windsor (Nova Scotia). Haiti: Consul at Cape Haitien. Honduras: Consul at Ruatan and Truxillo (to reside at Utilla). Italy: Consul at Venice. Netherlands : Consul at Batavia. Portuguese Domjnions: Consuls at Mozambique (Atrica), and Santiago (Cape Verde Islands). Society Islands: Consul at Tahiti. Sweden and Norway: Consul at Christiania. And in the estimates for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eight- Estirnuwseen hundred and ninety-tour, there shall be estimated for specincally, under classiiied consulates, all consulates and commercial agencies where the tees collected or compensation allowed for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-two, exceed one thousand dollars. SALARIES, CONSULAR CLERKS. Eight consular clerks, at one thousand two hundred dollars per 0<>¤¤¤l¤r ¤l¤k¤- annum each, nine thousand six hundred dollars; live consular clerks, at one thousand dollars per annum each, five thousand dollars; total, fourteen thousand six hundred dollars.