260 FIFTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cns. 233, 234. 1892. I For two railway trucks of thirty tons capacity, seven hundred dollars. xnnnwlmcks, cw. For the purchase of railroad tracks, sidings, frogs, and switches (about six miles of track in all), belonging to railroad companies, and now on the United States reservation at Sandy Hook, and for altering, relaying, and repairing the same, for Government use by the Ordnance Department, United States Army, at the United States Proving Ground at Sandy Hook, twenty-six thousand six hundred and seventy-six dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and the Secretary of War is hereby empowered to purchase from the Central Railroad Company of New Jersey, or other owners of said tracks, so much of said tracks as he may deem desirable and advantageous to the United States, and provided that the tracks can be purchased at satisfactory prices. ”Y·:’¤¤r¢<>w¤ Ar¤<>¤=¤» WATERTOWN AJRSENAL, Warnnrown, Mnssacuusnrrsz For enenhem-isge pim. lacrgement and improvement of the heavy gun-carriage plant at Watertown Arsenal, Watertown, Massachusetts, one hundred and fifty-one . thousand dollars. N"' *‘*°P· For fitting up new carpenter and pattern shop, moving and setting up machinery and shaftin gs, including new machines required, nine thousand four hundred dollars. E Pf 0¤1¤•¤¤¤ For the following, to be expended under the direct supervision of the ° Board of Ordnance and Fortillcation, created by the fortifications appropriation act approved September twenty-second, eighteen hundred WL 21 x>· 499- and eighty-eight, and in the manner prescribed by said act, namely: P¤r¤!·¤¤¤•.un¤.¤r¤- Bonzn or- Ommncon mn Fonrrmoarronz To enable the board to make all needthl and proper purchases, experiments and tests to ascertain, with a view to their utilization by the Government, the most eifective guns, small arms, cartridges, projectiles, fuses, explosives, torpedoes, armor plates, and other implements and engines of war, and to purchase or cause to be manufactured under authority of the Secretary of War, such guns, carriages, armor plates, and other war materials and articles as may, in the judgment of the Board, be necessary ·m.»,p.4m, in the proper discharge of the duty devolved upon it by the act ap- _ proved September twenty-second, eighteen-hundred and eighty-eight; —cxvm»¤ mmm. to pay the salary of the civilian member of the Board of Ordnance and ‘Vol. zc,p.-ns. Fortiiication provided by the act of February twenty-fourth, eighteen nxpemss. hundred and ninety-one, and for the necessary traveling expenses of » said member when traveling on duty as contemplated in said act; for payment of the necessary expenses of the Board, including a per diem allowance to each officer detailed to serve thereon when employed on duty away from his permanent station of two dollars and fifty cents a day; and for the test of experimental guns and carriages procured in accordance with the recommendations of the Board of Ordnance and Fortification, two hundred and ten thousand dollars. rut-mm to be er That all material purchased under the foregoing provisions of this act $::_•*¤*°¤¤ *¤=¤“*’*°· shall be of American manufacture, except in cases when, in the iudgmicspuim. ment of the Secretary of War, it is to the manifest interest of the United States to make purchases in limited quantities abroad, which material shall be admitted free of duty. Approved, July 23, 1892. ,;,,1,.2;,, 1g9g_ CHAP. 234.-An act to amend sections twenty-one hundred and thirty-nine, ...-;—·-———-— twenty-·one hundred and forty, and twenty-one hundred and forty-one of the Revised Statutes touching the sale of intoxicants in the Indian country, and for other pur- PDSCS. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United rnums. States of America in Congress assembled, That section twenty-one hun- ,.,,5 “’·· '°°· m"· ’· dred and thirty-nine of the Revised Statutes be amended and re-enacted t ;¤¢r<;l¤¤¢{e>¤ nf so as to read as follows; _ rzdlilh tgilluiglggbiu. “SEO. 2139. No ftftléllt spirits, BJC, b€0l‘, Will?. or intoxieatingliquor <¤¤¤· or liquors of whatever kind shall be introduced, under any pretense,