FIFTY-SEOOND CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 275-277. 1892. 281 feet at ordinary mean high tide, and of a width of not less than one hundred and twenty-five feet, ten thousand dollars more, to be paid in manner aforesaid; and should the depth of twenty-tive feet at ordinary mean high tide in said channel over said outer bar be procured on or before the time aforesaid, and maintained for two years for the width named thereafter, twenty-five thousand dollars in addition, to be paid in manner aforesaid; and should the depth of twenty-six feet at ordinary mean tide for the width named be procured on or before the date named, and maintained for two years thereafter, twenty-five thousand dollars in addition, to be paid in manner aforesaid. The said C. P. Ygsk wps d¤¤g€¤y Goodyear, his heirs and assigns, shall perform said work on said outer up mg yum"! ` bar by the explosion of dynamite on the bottom of said channel or sunk beneath the bottom of said channel, in his or their discretion, and not otherwise; and the channel to be deepened as aforesaid shall be north of the present buoyed-out channel, so that said work shall not interfere with the commerce of the port of Brunswick during the progress of such work. The Secretary of War shall detail an officer of engi— Engineer viiim to neers to examine and report upon said work from time to time, at such LZTQQ ..,3* "““”t°` times as the said C. P. Goodyear, his heirs and assigns, announce that they have complied with the conditions as to any of the depths and widths named, or as to the maintenance of depths of twenty live and twenty-six feet, and payments to be made as aforesaid upon the certificate of such engineer that such depth and width, or such maintenance, has been accomplished in accordance with the provisions of this act. And the money necessary to carry out the provisions of this act APl>¤>P¤¤¢i¤¤~ ‘ is hereby appropriated out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. Approved, July 27, 1892. . CHAP. 276.-An act to amend an act entitled "An act to promote the adminis- July 2y_ 1891 tration of justice in the Army/’ approved October first, eighteen hundred and ninety. ;Y—— Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the act entitled “An act A""? to promote the administration of justice in the Army/’ approved Octo- S¤¤¤¤·¤¤y ¢<·¤¤¤- ber first, eighteen hundred and ninety, be, and the same is hereby, V·~1-‘=6,1»-•‘>48- amended by adding thereto the following section: “ Sec. 3. That the commanding officers authorized to approve the it·;¥Pr·¤g~‘i¤¤ _$¤¤1¤>r· sentences of summary courts shall have the power to remit or mitigate 83m2L?-,, mm°°°‘ the same." Approved, July 27, 1892. CHAP. 277.-An act granting pensions to the survivors of the Indian wars of Jul,.2-_ mm eighteen hundred and thirty-tvvo to eighty hundred and forty-two, inclusive, known ——— ---Z-- ---- ——-—-—- as the Black Hawk war, Creek war, Cherokee disturbances, and the Seminole war. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the I¤*“={¤ were _ Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to place on the ,,f°"'°‘°“° ‘°"’°"‘°° pension roll the names of the surviving officers and enlisted men, including marines, militia, and volunteers of the military and naval service of the United States, who served for thirty days in the Black Hawk war, the Creek war, the Cherokee disturbances, or the Florida war with the Seminole Indians, embracing a period from eighteen hundred and thirty-two to eighteen hundred and thrty-two, inclusive, and were honorably discharged, and such other officers, soldiers, and sailors as may widows. have been ·personally named in any resolution of Congress, for any specific service in said Indian wars, although their term of service may have been less than thirty days, and the surviving widows of such OH}- P’°¤i¤°-*· oers and enlisted men: Provided, That such widows have not remarried: R¢m¤·ri¤z¤·