314 FIFTYSECOND CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 311. 1892. m:;%R°* F9] **1* For contingent, Bureau of Equipment and Recruiting, one thousand g` two hundred and sixty-three dollars and thirty-two cents. Tv¤¤•>y1»r·¤·¤t~ For twenty per ceutum additional compensation, two hundred and hirty-three dollars and seventy cents. Reduction ogmgu. For allowance for reduction of wages, eighteen dollars. nmmysa clothing. For destruction of clothing and bedding for sanitary reasons, one hundred and thirty-five dollars and sixty-eight cents. .1c¤u¤¤mm boun» For enlistment bounties to seaman, nine thousand seven hundred °“’°’ — and thirty-three dollars and sixty-two cents. me smiling. For indemnity for lost clothing, two thousand seven hundred and eighty-ive dollars and sixty-eight cents. mug, gunman For bounty for the destruction of enemies! vessels, one hundred and °'°“°"“°“ '°““°"‘ eighty-one dollars and thirty-six cents. "I·¢v¤¤*.` wreckvf- For relief of sufferers by the wreck of the Levant, two hundred and forty dollars. Examining qui-» For fees of examining surgeons, navy pensions, four dollars.
For the payment of claims for difference between actual expenses
° and mileage, allowed under the decision of the United States Supreme Courtin the case of Graham, thirty-seven thousand one hundred and three dollars and ten cents. • Sighuywqstigwm ¤y_ CLAIMS ALLOWED BY THE SIXTH AUDITOR. ntsmemy, postal For deficiency in the postal revenue,.except for services over the '"°"“"“‘ several Pacific Railroads, eighteen hundred and eighty nine, and prior years, thirty-four thousand eight hundred and ninety-three dollars and eighty-four cents. mms <>¤¤3¤¤d by Sec. 3. That for the payment of the following claims, certified to be “°°°'"'"”g °°"’°”‘ due by the several accounting officers of the Treasury. Department under appropriations the balance of which have been exhausted or carvoi zenno. ried to the surplus fund under the provisions of section five of the act of June twentieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-four, and under appropriations heretofore treated as permanent, being for the service of the nscal year eighteen hundred and eighty-nine and prior years, unless otherwise stated, and which have been certified to Congress under secv..L¤,,m_ tion two of the act of July seventh, eighteen hundred and eighty-four, as inlly set forth in Senate Executive Document Numbered One hundred and twenty three, Fifty Second Congress, first session, there is appropriated as follows: C;;g;;;·,,·~,·}_,,_*·>* Fm Aunrrnn omnus ALLOWED BY run rinsr oomrrnontnn, StateDepartment. STATE DEPARTMENT. c;" aime. FOREIGN Inrnnconnsa: For salaries. consular service, four hundred and seventy-five dollars and seventy cents. American man. For pay of consular officers for services to American vessels and seamen, two hundred and thirteen dollars and ninety-one cents. Tzecsury Depart TREASURY DEPARTMENT. IDBI] I,,,.,,.,,. ,,.,,,,,,,,_ INTERNAL REVENUE: For salaries and expenses of agents and sub- AS°¤*¤`**=*l=·¤·*¤ 8*** ordinate officers of internal revenue, one dollar. nemnmng mm. For refunding taxes illegally collected, five thousand nine hundred and sixty-five dollars and thirty-one cents. . nmwmk mlm11s For drawback on stills exported, act March first, eighteen hundred V°l·2°· Fw- and seventy-nine, twenty dollars. rum"; rmnamgs. BIISCELLANEOUSZ For pay of assistant custodians and janitors, fifty mj*"‘“‘·‘“° °“*‘°"‘ one dollars and seventeen cents. ,·,,,,_ ,,,,_ For fuel, lights, and water for public buildings, one dollar and seventy-one cents.