FIFTYSECOND CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cns. 311, 312. 1892. 319, Sec. 5. For payment of judgments of the Court of Claims in In- rnuun depredntion dian depredation cases, four hundred and seventy-eight thousand two °’“‘“"‘· hundred and fifty-two dollars and sixty-two cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay and discharge such judgments as have been rendered against the United States, after the deductions required D¤·1¤c¤¤¤s._ to be made under the provisions of section six of the act approved v°l‘2°*"‘°°"‘ March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, entitled ‘•An act to provide for the adiustment and payment of claims arisin g from Indian depredat;ions," shall have been ascertained and duly certihed by the Secretary of the Interior to the Secretary of the Treasury, which certiiicatiou shall be made as soon as practicable after the passage of this act, and such deductions shall be made according to the discretion of Secretary of the Interior, having due regard to the educational and other necessary requirements of the tribe or tribes affected, and the amounts paid shall be reimbursed to the United States at such times, nsnnbnmmnnt. and in such proportions, as the Secretary of the Interior may decide to be for the interests of the Indian service. Approved, July 28, 1892. CHAP. 312.-An act to authorize the establishment of an academ and e of u m, art in the District of Columbia. y gan ry Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That there is hereby ordained, nnunnnn Aung created, and constituted a body corporate and politic under and by the °’h·§,f,'n;,‘;,jm_ name and style of the “National Academy of Art,” with Mrs. Levi P.- Morton, Charles Stewart Smith, Kate Field, Phebe A. Hearst, Arthur McArthur, Charles M. Ffoulke, J efierson Chandler, Francis Colton, John Armstrong Chanler, Charles J. Singer E. F. Biggs T. E. Wag- . gaman, W. H. Phelps, George M. Pullman, Jzames J. Hill, Mrs. Thomas Lowry, and Mrs. Bellamy Storer, their associates and successors, as incorporators thereof, who shaH have perpetual succession. Sec. 2. That the above-named persons shall be and constitute a Board of regentsboard of regents of such corporation for and dl11‘lDg the term of one year from the date of the passage of this act, and until their successors shall have been duly appointed and qualified. Sec. 3. That said person named shall have power to select their as- Organization. sociates and successors, to organize and elect officers, and said corporation may from time to time make such rules and by-laws as shall be deemed appropriate by said corporation for the government and management of the business thereof, and to provide for the appointment or election of the officers and agents of said corporation and for the government and prosecution of all of its business. Sec. 4. That the said corporation, under the name and style afore- To nntnnunn an said shall have power to establish within the District of Columbia an }}‘,3’§}f"*" "“"'“““°“"‘ academy and museum of art, with full power and authority to collect and assemble therein all the works and products of art of every kind and character whatsoever, and to that end shall have power to receive donations, contributions, bequests, and subscriptions of all kinds, and to take, acquire, and hold, by donation or purchase, all the real and personal property necessary therefor, which shall not be taxed, and shall have the power to issue such publications as are by said corporation deemed necessary and pertinent to the business of said corporation, and to give exhibitions anywhere of art and the treasures thereof, as may by said corporation from time to time be deemed appropriate, and shall have all power to fully carry into execution the object and . purposes of this corporation. SEO. 5. That said corporation shall have power, if it becomes neces- my mortgage real sary so to do in the opinion of said corporation, to mortgage the real °“t“t°‘ estate which it may hereafter own, and may give therefor such evidences of indebtedness as such incorporation may decide to give: