8 FIFTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 17-18. 1892. Pmiw- as may be necessary: Provided, That all products of the experiments sues. may be sold in accordance with existing laws, and the proceedsthereof used in the experimental work, and that any products of previous experiments now on hand, and any apparatus or supplies which may have been purchased for use in such experiments, and which are no longer necessary thereto, maybe sold and the proceeds applied in further work, and that a. full and accurate account of the proceeds of such sales be transmitted to Congress. Approved, March 18, 1892. Mach 18, Im. GHAP. 18.-An act to provide for certain of the most urigent deficiencies in the ——;— appropriations for the service of the Government for the scal year ending June rtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-two. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Urzqnt ¤<>¤<=i¤¤¤r States af America in Congress assembled, That the following sums, '”'°’““°‘°"“` or so much thereof as may be necessary, be, and the same are hereby, appropriated out of any money in the Treasiuy not otherwise appropriated, for the objects hereinafter expressed, for the service of the fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-two, namely: mrgiigiée printing an PUBLIC PRINTING AND BINDING. . For public printing and binding, and for paper for the public printing, including the cost of printing the debates and proceedings of Con- ` gress in the Congressional Record, and for lithographing, mapping, and engraving for both Houses of Congress, including the salaries or compensation of all necessary clerks or employees, for labor gy the day, piece, or contract), and for all the necessary materials wh may be needed in the prosecution of the work, three hundred andilftythousand MM- dollars: Provided, That from the appropriation hereby made printing and binding may be done as follows: . xuumm. Por the Treasury Department, not exceeding seventy-tive thousand do lars. For the War Department, not exceeding forty thousand dollars. Forlthle Department of the Interior, not exceeding one hundred thousand dollars. d ger the Post-Office Department, not exceeding twenty-five thousand o ars. For the Department of State, not exceeding five thousand dollars. For the Department of Justice, not exceeding three thousand dollars. Leavesofaboenee. To enable the Public Printer to comply with the provisions of the law granting thirty days’ annual leave of absence to the employees of the overnment Printing Ofllce, fifteen thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary; and the appropriation of fifteen thousand dollars to pay, during the fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-two, Pm r¤¢¤1¤¤v¤·· pro rata leaves of absence to employees who resign or are discharged is hereby made available to enable the Public Printer to comply with the provisions of the law granting thirty days’ annual leave of absence to ghe employees of the Government Printing Oiliee during the current sca year. Slavaés. eign To enable the Public Printer to continue operations under the joint ‘ " ‘ resolution approved February sixth, eighteen hundred and eighty-three, for the removal and storage of certain property of the Government mentioned therein, five thousand dollars. mglizterinr Depart- INTERIOR DEPARTMENT. Cmtvl- Annual repairs and improvements to United States Ca itol: F R°pm°' m' work at the Capitol and for general repairs thereon including) wages Ti mechamcs, laborers, and fresco painters, nine thousand dollars.