324 FIFTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 320. 1892. notoriously lewd or lascivious course of life, shall, upon conviction thereof before the police court of said District, be required to enter into security for their good behavior for the space of six calendar Yadty of ¤¤<=¤s¤i· months. Said security shall be in the nature of a recognizance to the mDistrict of Columbia, to be approved by said court in a penalty not exceeding two hundred dollars, conditioned that the offender shall not, for the space of six months, repeat the offense with which he is charged, and shall in other respects conduct himself properly. mggiigggt ¤¤1><>¤¤¤· Sec. 9. That it shall not be lawful for any person or persons to make ` any obscene or indecent exposure of his or her person or their persons in any street, avenue, or alley, road, or highway, open space, public square, or inclosure in the District of Columbia, or to make any such obscene or indecent exposure of person in any dwelling or other building or other place whereirom the same may be seen in any street, avenue, alley, road, or highway, open space. public square, or inclosure, Psmlty- under a penalty not exceeding two hundred and fifty dollars for each · and every such oH`ense. fggcmgwwizht Sec. 10. That it shall not be lawful for any person or persons to entice, induce, urge, or cause any dogs to engage in a iight in any street, alley, road, or highway, open space, or public square in the District of _ Columbia, or to urge, entice, or cause such dogs to continue or prolong 1’°'**“F· such iight, under a penalty of not more than five dollar·s for each and _ » every offense; and any person or persons who shall induce or cause Wm8 a?: rg- any animal of the dog kind to run after, bark at, frighten, or bite any mann.person, horse, or horses, cows, cattle of any kind, or other animals lawfully passing along or standing in or on any street, avenue, road, or Penalty. highway, or alley in the District of Columbia, shall forfeit and pay for every such offense a sum not exceeding five dollars. D¤%*¤¤l;;¤g:¤¤igg¤¤ Sec. 11. That it shall not be lawful for any person or persons to _ °" ‘ molest or disturb any congregation engaged in any religious exercise or proceedings in any church or place of worship ·in the District of Co- ·*¤’°°*°· lumbia; and it shall be lawful for any of the authorities of said churches to arrest or cause to be arrested any person or persons so offending, A and take him, her, or them to the nearest police station, to be there 1’¤¤¤¤*r- held for trial; and any person or persons violating the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay a fine of not more than one hundred _ dollars for every such offense. mfxfg lgrgjdegn ml Sec. 12. That it shall not be lawfiil for any person or persons to ride ` or drive any animal of the horse kind in or on any street, avenue, or ‘ alley of the cities of Washington or Georgetown at a rate of speed exceeding eight miles per hour, nor cause any such animal to turn any corner within the said cities at a rate of speed exceeding four miles per hour, nor to ride or drive any such animal in or on any road or high- . way in that part of the District of Columbia lying outside of said cities P¤¤¤l¢y· at a rate of speed exceeding twelve miles per hour. Any person violating any of the provisions of this act shall forfeit and pay a line or pgnalty of not more than twenty-five dollars for each and every such 0 ense. Injuring men, em., Sec. 13. That it shall not be lawful for any person or persons to gir- ‘°""“°“· dle, break, wound, destroy, or in any manner injure any of the trees now growing or planted and set, or which may hereafter be planted and set on any of the public grounds, open spaces, or squares or on any private lot, or on any of the streets, or avenues, roads or highways, in the District of Columbia, or any of the boxes, stakes, or any other pro— Penalty. tection thereof, under a penalty of not exceeding fifty dollars for each and every such offense; and if any person or persons shall tie or in any rnnennang horses w manner fasten a horse or horses to any of the trees, boxes, or other pro ”°°”· *"°·· °""“"‘°"· tection thereof on any streets or avenues, roads or highways, on any of the public grounds belonging to the United States, or on any of the streets, avenues, or alleys, in the District of Columbia. each and every Penalty. · such offender shall forfeit and pay for each offense a sum not exceeding ten dollars.