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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/368

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FIFTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 353. 1892. 34] PREHAP. 353.-—An act to incorporate the Maryland and Washington Railway Com- August 1, Im, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That Abram P. Fardon, J . ijggglglggglgygg Henry Small, junior, Wright Rives, Redford W. Walker, Louis D. my summnim. Wine, John C. Johnson, Charles A. Wells, Joseph A. Blundon, A. O. I“°°‘"P°’“°°'“· Bliss, Edwin A. Newman, Van H. Manning, Wallace A. Bartlett, Ellis Speare, Benjamin D. Stephen, D. M. Nesbit, P. A. Scaggs, Francis H Smith, W. Clarence Duvall, Filmore Beal], and their associates, successors, and assigns are hereby created a body corporate by the name, style, and title of the “Maryland and Washington Railway Company," and by that name shall have perpetual succession, and shall be able to sue and be sued. plead and be impleaded, defend and be defended, in all courts of law and equity within the United States, and may make and have a common seal. And said corporation is hereby authorized Mw ·=¤¤¤¤¤¤•=* mlto construct and lay down a single or double track railway, and if it my` should construct and lay down a single-track railway with the right subsequently to change the same to a double-track railway, as may be approved by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, with the necessary switches, tm·n·outs, and other mechanical devices, through and along the following routes, to wit: Beginning at the point where roam. Rhode Island avenue of the city of Washington if extended in its present course would intersect Fourth street northeast, as extended due north, and running thence with and along said Rhode Island avenue as thus extended, or adjacent thereto, to a point at or near the point of intersection of said Rhode Island avenue with the northeast boundary line of the District of Columbia: Provided, That all of the fog-; of mm routes herein mentioned shall be subject to the approval of the Com- PP ' missioners of the District of Columbia: Provided further, That when- Steamrailwsyomssever the lines of the said company shall cross any steam railway they i"“ shall cross by an overhead bridge or beneath the tracks of said railway, as may be approved by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia. SEO. 2. That said company may run public carriages propelled by Motive power. cable, electric, or other mechanical power, subject to the approval of the said Commissioners, but nothing in this act shall allow the use of steam power in locomotives: Provided further, That for the purpose of rms". _ making a continuous connection the said company shall have the right S"°°°°“’°"'“g”· to cross all streets, avenues, and highways that may be necessary for the purpose. Sec. 3. That said company shall receive a rate of fare not exceeding Fam five cents per passenger for any continuous ride over its line within the District of Columbia; and the said company may make arrangements with all existing railway companies in the District of Columbia, for the interchange of tickets in payment of fare on its road: Provided, That !,’;•>:i·r¤- six tickets shall be sold for twenty-five cents within the District limits. ° ° "‘ Sec. 4. That said company shall, on or before the iiheenth of Jann- Aman report m ary of each year, make a report to Congress, through the Commission- °°"""" ers of the District of Columbia, of the names of all the stockholders therein, the amount of stock held by each, and the amount paid thereon, together with a detailed statement of the receipts and expenditures, from whatever source and on whatever account, for the preceding year ending December the thirty·iirst, and such other facts as may be required by any general law of the District of Columbia, which report shall be verined by affidavit of the president and secretary of said company, and, if said report is not made at the time specified, or within Hmm to rmm ten days thereafter, such failure shall of itself operate as a forfeiture of ‘"‘“""‘ this charter, and it shall be the duty of the Commissioners to cause to be instituted proper judicial proceedings therefor; and said company shall mf:g·¤¤¤¤ in 1i¤¤ ·>f pay to the District of Columbia, in lieu of personal taxes upon personal ‘ property, including cars and motive power, each year, four per centum