344 FIFTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 353. 1892. h§ggj£°¤* *·° M Sec. 14. That the said company shall place first-class cars on said ' railway, with all modern improvements for the convenience and comfort of passengers, and shall run cars thereon as often as the public convenience may require; the timetable or schedule of time to be approved by the said Commissioners of the District of Columbia. wf_“P“_:;!§’·u:”· ‘°*' Sec. 15. That the company shall buy, lease, or construct such pas- ` senger moms, ticket oiHces, workshops, depots, lands, and buildings as they may deem necessary, at such points on its line as may be approved by the said Commissioners. unuuem. Sec. 16. That all articles of value that may be inadvertently left in any of the cars or other vehicles of the said company shall be taken to its principal depot and entered in a book of record of nmclaimed goods, which book plaall be open to the inspection of the public at all reasonable hours 0 usiness. Bwd ¤f ¤ir¤¤f»<>r¤· Sec. 17. That the government and direction of affairs of the company shall be vested in a board of directors, nine in number, who shall be stockholders of record, and who shall hold their office for one year, and until others are duly elected and qualified to take their places as directors; and the said directors (a majority of whom shall be a quo- °'*°°”- rum) shall elect one of their number to be president of the board, who shall also be president of the company, and they shall also choose a vice-president, a secretary, and treasurer, who shall give bond with _ surety to said company in such sum as the said directors may require v““‘°'°'· for the faithful discharge of his trust. In case of a vacancy in the board of directors by the death, resignation, or otherwise of any direcitor, the vacancy occasioned thereby shall be iilled by the remaining 'rectors. mmummma. Sec. 18. That the dirwtors shall have the power to make and prescribe such by-laws, rules and regulations as they shall deem needful _ and proper touching the disposition and management of the stock, property, estate, and etiects of the company, not contrary to the guartertorftg die la)ws of the United States and the ordinances of the ' tric o o um ia. num mmm; of Sec. 19. That there shall be at least an annual meeting of the stock- "°°]"‘°m"“‘ holders for choice of directors, to be holden at such time and place, under such conditions, and upon such notice as the said company in . their by-laws may prescribe; and said directors shall annually make regort in writing of their doings to the stockholders. _1>·mny for mma- Ec. 20. That the said company shall have at all times the free and ""“’°°"°"""""‘°'°‘ uninterrupted use of its roadway, and if any person or persons shall willfully, mischievously, and unnecessarily obstruct or impede the passage of cars of said railway company with a vehicle or vehicles, or otherwise, or in any manner molest or' interfere with passengers or operatives while in transit, or destroy or iniure the cars of said railway, or depots, stations, or other property belonging to said railway company, the person or persons so otlending shall forfeit and pay for each such offense not less than twenty-tive nor more than one hundred dollars to the District of Columbia, to be recovered as other lines and pen» alties in said District, and shall remain liable to the said company, in addition to said penalty, for any loss or damage occasioned by his or her or their act as aforesaid; but no suit shall be brought unless commenced within sixty days after such offense shall have been committed. Crossing tum mi- Sec. 21. That the said Maryland and Washington Railway Company "`“Y“· shall have the right of way across such other railways as are now in operation within the limits of the lines granted by this act, and is hereby authorized to construct its said road across such other railways: giant. hmmm Prririded, gthaalit shall not interrupt travel of such other railways in ,,.;,,..,_ sue cons c n. defyygpu Pg;‘w·_l:<>r· Sec. 22. That no person shall be prohibited the right to travel on ‘any part of said road or ejected from the cars by the company’s employees for any other cause than that of being drunk, disorderly, unclean,
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