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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/375

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348 FIFTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 375, 376, 379. 1892;. A¤Z¤¤f· 4.1892. CHAP. 375.-An act to authorize the entry of lands chiefly valuable for building, l";‘;‘ stone under the placer mining laws. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United" Publi: lard¤._ _ Stake of America in 0'ongress assembled, That any person authorized to _,§§,"“Q;f_{§’Q'Q°“f,",,_’{,‘§, cuter lands under the mining laws of the United States may enter lands umm. that are chiefly valuable for building stone under the provisions of the r>m¢». law in relation to placer mineral claims: Provided, That lands reserved °°"°""“"°'* for the beneiit of the public schools or donated to~any State shall not be subject to entry under this act. _ _

 $4 me Sec. 2. That an act entitled “An act for the sale of timber lands im

1...; sms. nn} i,Q the State of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washingwn Terr1tory,"

      • 6, N P U approved June third, eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, be, and the·

``same is hereby, amended by striking out the words “States of Cali- _ fornia, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory" where the same occur in the second and third lines of said act, and insert in lieu thereof the words, “public-land States,” the purpose of this act being to make said act of June third, eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, applicable to all the public-land States. mf°'“"m,*'•°", ,•'*”°° Sec. 3. That nothing in this act shall be construed to repeal section VoLN,p.d1$. twenty-four of the act entitled “An act to repeal timber-culture laws, and for other purposes,” approved March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, Approved, August 4, 1892. August 4, 1802. CHAP. 376.-Au act for the relief of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Nylragiejgmiigmkw. States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Inte-

».,..,.t.;{;,,, rior is hereby authorized to use so much of the fund to the credit of the

Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians located in the State of North Carolina on the books of the Treasury as may be necessary for the payment annually of taxes upon such of their lands as are held in common, and also for the payment of the taxes that have already accrued, and for which the said lands were sold, together with costs incurred upon con- _ yeygxce of purchasers of said lands to said Eastern Band of Cherokeen ns. Salle- of Mw rv- All orders or provisions for the sale of timber on said lands to pay ""the accrued taxes and incumbrances on the same are hereby revoked-, Approved, August 4, 1892. August 5, 1892. CHAP. 379.-An act granting pensions to army nurses. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United g;¤r;é;;5mh_m_ States of America in Congress assembled, That all women employed by ‘ the Surgeon General of the Army as nurses, under contract or otherwise, during the late war of the rebellion, or who were employed as nurses during such period by authority which is recognized by the War Department, and who rendered actual service as nurses in attendance upon the sick or wounded in any regimental, post, camp, or general hospital of the armies of the United States for a period of six months or more, and who were honorably relieved from such service, and who are now or may hereafter be unable to earn a support, shall; upon making due proof of the fact according to such rules and regulations as the Secretary of the Interior may provide, be placed upon the list of pensioners of the United States and be entitled to receive apen-

  • `“‘*"· sion of twelve dollars per month, and such pension shall commencefrom the date of tilin g of the application in the Pension Oihce after the
»¤¢¤··»._ ml passage of this act
Provided, That no person shall receive more than.

,,L‘:Y°"° " °"° one pension for the same period.