FIFTY-SECON D CONGRESS. Sess. I. OHS. 30-32. 1892. 13 CHAP. 30.-An act to amend an act entitled “A.l1 act making appropriations to March 31. 1892- provide for the expenses of the government for the District of Columbia for the fiscal iT` year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty-two, and for other purposes," approved March third, eighteen hundred and eighty-one. Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United V States of America in Congress assembled, That the paragraph relating _Distri¤t or C0lum— to the duties of the assessor, commencing with the iburth line from the "‘f§m,s,,,,,,,,,,,~ p,0p_ bottom of page four hundred and sixty and ending with and including erathe eighth line from the top of page tour hundred and sixty-ono, of vol- v01. 21, p. 460. ume twenty-one, United States Statutes at Large, be, and the same is hereby, amended so as to read as follows: " The books of assessment for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, Assessment b¤0k¤· eighteen hundred and ninety-three, and annually thereafter, shall be prepared by the assessor of the District of Columbia before the iirst day of November of each year, and upon the completion thereof, said assessor shall prepare a statement showing the total amount of the assessment of both real and personal property, and the total amount of taxes to be collected under said assessment; which statement shall §¤:;g¤mg_i*e,Mt~- be receipted by the collector of taxes in triplicate, and said collector c3(£>lleci=r R;;:;- shall be held responsible under his bond for all such taxes, except such "‘°- as he may not be able to collect after fully complying with the requirements of law. The original receipt of said assessment and taxes shall be forwarded by the assessor to the First Comptroller of the Treasury, the duplicate to the auditor of the District of Columbia, and the triplicate shall be retained by the collector. Hereafter all tax bills shall be mAg•h°{:°*”mk° ¤P made up under the direction of the assessor of the District of Columbia. ` All acts or parts of acts inconsistent with any of the provisions of this act are hereby repealed." · Approved, March 31, 1892. CHAP. 31.-An act to authorize the appointment of clerk for the circuit and dis- Avril L 1992 trict courts in the Texarkana division of the eastern district of Arkansas. """_` Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representat*iz•cs of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That there shall be appointed . $·‘¥·Y¤;g&·;·¤*=*¤ in the eastern district of Arkansas one additional clerk of the district Jucigiiissusrexaiklna. court and one of the circuit court, who shall reside and keep their offices at Texarkana. Approved, April 1, 1892. CHAP. 32.-An act granting to the State of South Dakota section numbered Apu-i11, 1802. thirty-six in township numbered ninety-four north of range numbered fifty-six west, ······—·"""‘-"‘ in the county of Yankton. in said State, for the purpose of an ns lum for the insane, to correct an act approved June sixteenth. eighteen hundred and eighty, attempting to make such grant to the Territory of Dakota, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rqwesentativea of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That for the purpose of cor- §·•¤¤_;I;,¤¤·>¤s¤· recting a mistake in the act of Congress approved June sixteenth, ,,,-£,T,,_ °° l""" eighteen hundred and eighty, in the description of the land therein §;*;$hgj*j)°,; cw described, section thirty-six in township numbered ninety-four north of mma. range numbered fifty-six west, in the county of Yankton, State of South Dakota, be, and is hereby, granted to the State of South Dakota for the purpose of an asylum for the insane. Sec. 2. That the selection authorized under and by virtue of said act S°*°°**°¤ ¤*”*•**- approved June sixteenth, eighteen hundred and eighty, by the governor of Dakota Territory, of other lands situated therein, which has been made as provided in said act in lieu of the lands herein granted, - IS hereby ratified and aiiirmed; and such lieu lands are hereby granted I-¤¤d* M °°'*°°*°· and confirmed to the State of South Dakota for school purposes, to have the same force and effect as though it had been a regularly granted school section. ` Approved. April 1, 1892.