408 FIFTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. ll. Ch. 9-12. 1892. P¤*¤¤¤i¤·*i¤¤ of Sec. 3. That the price at which the Secretary of the Navy is hereby ’°°°' ‘ authorized to sell said land, whether under water or not, to the city of Brooklyn, for the purpose above mentioned, shall not be less than forty- one thousand dollars per acre; and the question of excess of value, if sppmsmm. any, over and above the sum herein named shall be submitted to and determined by a board of three competent appraisers, such board to be appointed by the Secretary of the Navy, and the report of such appraisers shall be subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Navy. Sec. 4. That within ninety days from their appointment the said rapport or sp- appraisers, or a majority of them, shall report in writing to the Secre- "‘”‘°”· tary of the Navy and to the mayor of the city of Brooklyn the value _ agreed upon by them of the plat of land hereinbefore described, and ,,,,(L',{'f*’I°"‘°" °f "“" that if within six months after the filing of such report the mayor of the city of Brooklyn shall notify the Secretary of the Navy that the city of Brooklyn will purchase said property for market purposes and for slips, canals, and piers, and other public works in connection with such market purposes, the Secretary of the Navy shall, upon receipt of the purchase money, execute and deliver to the city of Brooklyn a _ full and sufficient deed of conveyance of such property. D‘“P°“*"f*"°°°°‘*'· Sec. 5. That the Secretary of the Navy, after deducting the expenses of surveys and appraisals and conveyance, shall pay into the Treasury of the United States the net amount received by him from the sale of the said land. Approved, December 22, 1892. Dec¤mb¤·¤,1D2. CHAP. 10.-An act to provide an American register for the barge Sea Bird, of "‘*_‘-—" Perth Amboy, New Jersey. _ · Be it enacted by the Senate and Housleggf Representatives of the United
States of America in Congress assemb , That the Commissioner of
W ‘“"°""""’ Navigation is hereby authorized and directed to cause the wrecked barge Sea Bird, purchased and rebuilt by John Scully, a citizen of the United States, at the port of Perth Amboy, New Jersey, to be registered as a vessel of the United States under the name of the barge Canary. Approved, December 22, 1892. D•¢¤¤|¤¤¤» UW- CHAP. 11.-·-An act to extend to Duluth, Minnesota, the privileges of the iirst sec- '_’—'*" tion of an act entitled "An act to amend the statutes in relation to immediate transportation of dutiable goods, and for other purposes," approved June tenth, eighteen undrcd and eighty. Be it enacted ln; the Senate and House of Representatives of the United .P¤'L¤;mm*:_¤;_H r_ States of America in Congress assembled, That the provisions of the mi?,.. privileges Ji? tirst section of an act entitled “An act to amend the statutes in rela. tion to immediate transportation of dutiable goods and for other purv¤1.2i,p. ns. poses," approved June tenth, eighteen hundred and eighty, be, and the same are hereby, extended to the port of Duluth, Minnesota. Approved, December 22, 1892. December 2.1892. CHAP. 12.-An act to provide for the disposal of certain abandoned military reser- ·····i·‘*··· vations in the State of Wyoming. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United rm ren.;-mn. States of America in Congress assembled, That all public lands now re- ""' mainin g undisposed of within the abandoned military reservations in the