448 FIFTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cas. 107, 108. 1893. troops, and munitions of war of the United States than the rate per mile paid over the railroad leading to said bridge; and said bridge shall enjoy the rights and privileges of other post routes of the United States, P¤¤¤! ¤¤¤¤zr¤r1¤· and the United States shall have a right of way for postal telegraph over and across said bridge. UM l>v¤¤¤M ¤·>¤·- Sec. 4. Thatall railroad companies desiring the use of said bridge shall nn"` have and be entitled to eqnalrights and privileges relative to the passage of railway trains or cars over the same, and over the approaches thereto, °°¤*P°”“**°¤- upon the payment of reasonable compensation for such use; and in case the owner or owners of said bridge, and the several railroad companies, or any one of them, desiring such use shall fail to agree upon the sum or sums to be paid as such compensation, or upon rules and conditions towhich each shall conform in using said bridge, all matters so at issue between them shall be decided by the Secretary of War upon a hearing of the allegations and proofs of the parties. www ¤> Sec. 5. That said bridge shall be constructed and built without in-
- ”°°'° terfercnce with the security and convenience of the navigation of said
river beyond what is necessary to carry into eifect the rights and privileges hereby granted; and, in order to secure that object, the said corporation shall, before commencing the construction of said bridge, submit to the Secretary of War a plan and drawings of the bridge, and a map of the river and shores for a distance of a mile above and a mile below the proposed location, together with all information touching said bridge, its approaches, and the river which said officer may deem requisite; and it shall be the duty of the Secretary of War, upon being satisfied that a bridge upon such plan and locus will conform to the conditions of this act, to notify said corporations that he approves the same; whereupon, and not sooner, said corporations may proceed to the mm erection of said bridge, conforming strictly to the approved plan and ""‘ location; and likewise any change in the plan of the bridge or accessory works during the progress of the work thereon shall be subject rmm. to the approval of the Secretary of War: Provided, That if said bridge o,..;.,.;,.,, shall be constructedas a drawbridge, the draw shall be opened promptly » upon reasonable signal for the passage of boats, and said corporation shall maintain at its own expense, from sunset to sunrise, such lights 1·*z¤¢=· ¤•¤=- . or oltléer signals on said bridge as the Li ght—House Board shall prescri . —**··=¤*l¤¤¤*· •¤=· Sec. 6. That Congress shall have power at any time to alter, amend, {,’;m- hn 0, or repeal this act: Provided, That nothing in this act shall be so counrmas. 2 ° strued as to repeal or modify any of the provisions of law now existing in retcrence to the protection of the navigation of rivers, or to exempt this bridge from the operation of the same. ~ ___)*,{,¤·i¤g·:,¤;_=•¤¤¤¤¢¤•¤ Sec. 7. That this act shall be null and void if actual construction ot ‘ °said bridge be not commenced within one year and completed within three years from the date of this act. Approved, February 14, 1893. February 14, 1893. CHAP. 108.-An act to authorize the Homestead and Pittsburg Bridge Company ·—·—j··· to construct a bridge over the Monongahela River from Pittsburg to Homestead. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatwcx of the United Pigmqrv »,;l_~;_;j_3;;} Sm tes of America in Congress assembled, That it shall be lawtul for the pany niaiir craig.- no. Homestead and Pittsburg Bridge Company, a corporation organized ggytgggjlg ,,5**** ¤* under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to construct and maintain a bridge, and approaches thereto, over the Monongahela River lrom a point in the city of Pittsburg to a point in the borough of __ Homestead, in the county of Allegheny. __,§fg;j;é_ "'**S°¤· Sec. 2. That said bridge may be constructed to provide for the passage of railway trains, street cars, wagon roads, and vehicles of all