470 FIFTY-SECON D CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 147-149. 1893. purchase price of said lands, irrespective of any payments which may have been heretofore made. cmamumcspre SEO. 3. That upon making payment as prescribed in the preceding '*"“°""'“'· section all entries and mill-site applications heretofore allowed upon any of said lands shall be, and the same are hereby, confirmed, and patents shall issue therefor. mpaum •r re Srzc. 4. That all moneys accruing from the sale of the lands hereby °'***'·» restored, except the fees allowed by law to the register and receiver, shall be paid into the Treasury of the United States and applied solely as follows: ' rzannmumun. First. To reimburse the United States for all expenses actually and necessarily incurred in running said boundary lines and surveying said lands. ummm. Second. The remainder to be held in trust for the sole use and benetlt of the tribes of Indians now located upon said reservation, and to be expended by the Commissioner of Indian Afairs, under the direction and control of the Secretary of the Interior, in such manner and for such purposes as may to him seem to be for the best interests of said Indian tribes. mm? °’. ml: Sec. 5. That nothing herein contained shall be construed as recognizing title or ownership of said Indians to any part of said White Mountain Apache Indian Reservation, whether that hereby restored to the public domain or that still reserved by the Government for their use and occupancy. Approved February 20, 1893. Iehrusy M, lm. CHAP. 148.-An act to ratify and confirm an agreement made between the Seneca "W"'—""' Nation of Indians and William B. Barker. marie Whereas, the Seneca Nation of Indians in council, January third, eighteen hundred and ninety-three, duly entered into an agreement with William B. Barker, whereby said nation leased to said Barker the Oil Springs, the Cattarangus and the Allegany reservations, situate in western New York, tbr the purpose of boring and testing said territory for gas and oil, on condition that if oil was found in paying quantities said nation should receive one-eighth part thereof, and if gas should be found in paying quantities said nation should receive forty dollars per annum for each gas well drilled and used, and in addition that each Seneca Indian family residing on either of said reservations should, if gas is found. have sufficient fuel for domestic use from any gas wells drilled on said territory free of charge, all of which is provided in said agreement, which was duly recordex in the Seneca Nation deed book, volume tive, page three hundred and forty-one, J aunary fourth, eighteen hundred and ninety-three, at three o’clock post meridian of that day: herefore Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the U nited sum mmm. States of America, in Congress assembled, That the agreement above w?;:; ugaé;} zgggdlgde, and the same hereby is, in all things ratified, accepted, and Approved, February 20, 1893. February 21. 1893. CHAP. 149.-An act to amend an act establishing a court of private land claims W and to provide for the settlement of private land claims in certain States and Territories, approved March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-one. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rqwesentatires of the United unc;:;:,:,;; prints States of America in Congress assembled, That the act entitled *¢An act v,,,_ ,,_ ,,_‘85,_ to establish a court of private land claims and to provide for the settlement of private land claims in certain States and Territories/’