478 FIFTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Gus. 167, 168. 1893. rmpmpt enum Sec. 2 That at the end of each session of Congress a pamphlet edi- ';,°,,’,f,_’°°"°“ °’ °°“‘ tion‘ of the permanent and general legislation of the session, with notes, 0¤¤¢~¤¤•- references, and an index, substantially on the plan of the existing Supplement, shall be stereotyped and printed at the Government Printing Office; the plates and all rights thereto to be the property of the United States. _Nm¤m, uumuu- Sec. 3. That the number of copies of said pamphlet and the distri- "‘°“·““°'“°°'°°l'*°“‘ bution and sale thereof shall be the same as provided for the printing, v¤1.z¤.p.so. distribution, and sale of said Supplement by the act of April ninth, eighteen hundred and ninety, chapter seventy-three (First Supplement to Revised Statutes, second edition, page seven hundred and twelve). compeumion. Sec. 4. That there shall be paid to said editor for himself and his assistants, including the cost of all clerical labor and other expenses, the sum of one thousand dollars for preparing the pamphlet for each session of Congress. Approved, February 27, 1893. bmw, CHAP. .— ac makin n ro riations for the su ort of the Arm for the
fiscal year h:dingA§un¢i;thirtie1€·h,I<;i)ght)een hundred and gihety-four, and ixbr other
Pm’P°•°•· Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United my .,1,,.,,,;,. States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, “°" and they are hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the support of the Army for the year ending June. thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-four: hy- 1*01: PAY or orrxcmzs or THE LINE. me emma For pay of officers of the line, two million seven hundred and seventy- nve thousand dollars. Insvnty. For pay of officers for length of service, to be paid with their current monthly pay, eight hundred and twenty-two thousand six hundred and seventy dollars. summa men. 1*01: PAY OF ENLISTED MEN. pay. For pay proper of enlisted men of all grades, tour million one hundred thousand dollars. And on and after the first day of July, eight- Scrgma. een hundred and ninety-three, the play per month of iirst sergeants my °”°“°u“'°°‘ shall be twentydive dollars per mont , sergeants eighteen dollars per month, and in both classes the increase of pay for length of service as now provided by law. napmi wps. For pay of Hospital Corps, two hundred and ilfteen thousand dollars. smite psy. For service pay of enlisted men by reason of length of service, in addition to their monthly pay, and payable therewith four hundred and seventy-tive thousand one hundred and thirty dollars. omni service For general service clerks and messengers, to the number and at °1°"‘““""‘“°'°°"¤¥°"· the rate now faxed by law, one hundred and sixty-one thousand nine hundred dollars. General ¤¤•|£ FOR PAY OF THE GENERAL STAFF. Atntmt-s»¤¤rn·» Adjutant-General’s Department: For pay of officersin the Adjutant- ¤·v=¤¤· *· GgneraI's Department, as now authorized and provided by law, fifty- two thousand five hundred dollars; Longevity. For additional pay to such officers for length of service, to be paid with their current monthly pay, sixteen thousand dollars; in all sixty-eight thousand five hundred dollars. rnimssm-eumarp Inspector-General’s Department: For pay of officers in the Inspector- I’°P°’“°°”*· General’s Department, as now authorized and provided by law, twenty- three thousand five hundred dollars;