FIFTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 199. 1893. 541 For advertising notice of taxes in arrears July tirst, eighteen hundred h§<·¤¢=¤ ·>f =¤·=¤¤ M and ninety-two, as required to be given by act of March nineteenth, °°" eighteen hundred and ninety, ten thousand dollars, to be reimbursed V·>L2¤.r-M by a charge of one dollar and twenty cents for each lot or piece of property advertised. To enable the assessor to continue account of arrears of taxes on real c0M{¤¤r¤ <>f ¤•¤<>¤ M- property due the District of Columbia, including the payment of neces- lm ` sary clerical force, two thousand dollars. ` PLATS OF SUBDIVISIONS OUTSIDE OF WASHINGTON AND Gnomm- suyvsyswivnnacr TOWN: To pay the expenses of such surveys as may be necessary to °“’“‘d°““°‘" ‘°“" enable the Commissioners of the District to determine if plats of subdivisions of land within the District offered for record have been made in conformity to the “Act to regulate subdivision of land within the V¤1-25.r-4-¤1- District of Columbia/’ approved August twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, three thousand dollars. PERMIT WORK. Permit w¤rk· For the improvement and repair of alleys and sidewalks and the con- Alleys, smwain, struction of sewers and sidewalks, of such form and materials as the ‘“°‘"'°”· Commissioners may determine, under the permit system, one hundred and sixty-five thousand dollars; and this argropriation shall be avail- Parking nn N ow able for removing and repaving parking on ew York avenue, between Y°"‘ "“"“°‘ ` Ninth and Tenth streets, under the provisions of the compulsory permit s stem. Thgt the provision in the District appropriation act of March third, m§*2" _°*'*°"*“*° °‘ eighteen hundred and ninety-one, authorizing assessment against vidio. n mas. abutting property for new sidewalks or curbing required to be laid on streets being improved, is amended so as to read as follows: That when new sidewalks or curbing are hereafter required to be auummmm laid on streets being improved, one half the total cost shall be assessed °°*“*'°‘° ‘ against abutting property, in like manner and under the law governing in the case of compulsory permit work: Provided. That abutting prop- p,,,;.,, erty shall not be liable to such assessment when sidewalk and curbing E*°°P°*°¤ have been laid by the District authorities in front of the same under the permit system within two years prior to such assessment, and all such charges and assessments shall be refunded or abated. IMPROVEMENTS AND mtrams. ?i,,.,,.,m.,,,•. .,,,1 1*0 Z'!. For work on sundry streets and avenues named in Appendix “Dd," S*r¤¢¢¤¤¤¤ ¤v¤¤¤¤¤- Book of Estimates, eighteen hundred and ninety-four, two hundred thousand dollars, to be expended in the discretion of the Commissioners · upon streets and avenues specified in the schedules named in said appendix and in the aggregate for each schedule as stated herein, namely: GEORGETOWN SCHEDULE: Seventeen thousand dollars. Auamm. Nonrnwnsr SECTION Scunnunnz Seventy-six thousand dollars: Sour:-zwusrr Snorrorx Scmannmszz Twenty-six thousand dollars. Sourunasr Sscrrorz Scnnnurmz Thirty-eight thousand dollars. Noxrnmssr SECTION Scnnnumo: Forty-three thousand dollars. Provided, That the streets and avenues shall be contracted for in the Mwa- 01*681* in which they appear in said schedules and be completed in such ord¤r¤fr*¤¢¤d¤¤¤¤- order as nearly as practicable. , That under appropriations contained in this act no contract shall be °°¤°*°*** made for making or repairing concrete or asphalt pavement at a higher P° ` price than two dollars per square yard for a quality equal to the best laid in the District of Columbia prior to July first, eighteen hundred and eighty-six, and with same depth of base: Provided, That these I r mm couditnonsas to price and depth of base shall not apply to those streets m-.§§E`T“”° ° °° on which, in the judgment of the Commissioners, by reason of heavy tratiic, poor foundation, or other causes, a pavement of more than ordinary- strength is required, in which case the limit of price may be increased to two dollars and twenty-tive cents per square yard. _