FIFTYSECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 199. 1893. 543 Provided, That no more than twenty-one dollars and fifty cents per PM**?*¤¤- annum for each street lamp shall be paid for gas or oil, lighting, extin- Mmmm °°s°` guishing, repairing and cleaning, under any expenditure provided for in this act ; and said lamps shall burn not less than three thousand hours per annum: Provided, That before any expenditures are made R°€¤l=¤*¤*¤· from the appropriations herein provided for, the contracting gas companies shall equip each street lamp with a self-regulating burner and tip, so combined and adjusted as to secure, under all ordinary variations of pressure and density, a consumption of six cubic feet of gas per hour. That for securing a better fulnllment of the intent of an act entitled Ad¤5¤<>¤¤1 g¤¤ lab- "An act regulating gas works," approved June twentythird, eighteen °m'°"°`°` hundred and seventy-four, two additional laboratories shall be provided V¤r 18, paw. and fitted up by the Washington Gas Light Company, subject to the approval of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, and shall Aizvrvval of C·>m· be furnished with suitable apparatus, to the satisfaction of the said “““°‘°“°"‘ Commissioners, at a total cost not to exceed one thousand dollars, for inspecting and testing the illuminating gas manufactured and distributed by the said Washington Gas Light Company and the gas meters used x for measuring the gas supplied to consumers by the said Washington Gas Light Company. One of the said laboratories shall be located in _ Location m wut. the northwestern portion of the city of Washington and the other in the "‘gt°“· southeastern portion of said city, and the cost of providing and fitting up the said laboratories shall be paid for by the said Washington Gas Light Company. And for securing the better fulnllment of the intent of the said act, a laboratory shaH be provided and fitted up by the Georgetown Georgetown. Gas Light Company, subject to the approval of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, and shall be furnished with suitable apparatus, to the satisfaction of the said Commissioners at a total cost not to exceed one thousand dollars, for inspecting and testing the illuminating gas manufactured and distributed by the said Washington Gas Light Company and the gas meters used for measuring the gas supplied to consumers by the said Georgetown Gas Light Company: Provided, PG;0°’f—*g;3Wu G as _ That the cost of providing and fitting up the said laboratory shall be compdiy it pay cose, paid by the said Georgetown Gas Light Company, and the said George- P°““ “°“·°‘°· town Gas Light Company shall be liable for such penalties for departures from the standards of illuminating power and purity of the gas manufactured and distributed by the said Company as are prescribed in the first section of the said act entitled “An act regulating gas works," approved June twenty-third, eighteen hundred and seventy-four: Vol- i8— v-2"· Provided further, That the provisions and penalties of the act entitled ,,,f;‘;f‘“"‘“” "’¤¥“"" “An act to authorize the appointment of an inspector of pluming in the District of Columbia, and for other purposes/’ approved April A"'"- ¥‘· “· twenty-third, eighteen hundred and ninety-two, are hereby extended P·~¤=¤1ry for ¤<>¤- to include the practice of the business of gasfitting in the District of °°'“’""“°°‘ Columbia: Provided further, That the Washington Gas Light Company _I¤=¤1·¤·=¢¤r ¤f ¤=¤¤·¤¤- and the Georgetown Gas Light Company shall, at the beginning of each mfg cm of bout gas fiscal year, in proportion to their respective receipts from sales of gas °°¤*P”¤l°S· for the fiscal year immediately preceding, provide in advance, by depositing with the collector of taxes of the District of Columbia, a sum Sufficient to pay the salary of an inspector of gasfitting, to be ap- Am><>i¤¤¤¤¤*- pointed by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, at one thou- S“"*">'· sand dollars per annum, and also the necessary additional expenses of se;*d*ii**°““‘ °‘P°"‘ maintaining the service of inspecting and testing illuminating gas and ` gas meters, herein provided tor, as estimated by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, and not to exceed five hundred dollars per _ annum for each of the said additional laboratories: Proriderl furth<"r, D““Fi“¥‘““"“*· That the daily inspections prescribed in section five of the act entitled "All Mt regulating gas works," approved June twenty-third, eighteen V<>l·18, r·?T¤“· hundred and seventy-four, shall hereafter be made at any time after twelve o`clock noon and before twelve o’clock midnight, in the discretion of the inspector of gas and meters; Provided further, That the pro- T***·°*°-·°* *“**°”· visions of sections seven and eight of the act entitled “An act regula- _ _ _ ting gas works," approved June twenty-third, eighteen hundred and ‘ °‘· ‘8· l’¥‘·'*‘“· 2*9*