590 FIFTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 208. 1893, United States, including the cost of imprisonment and actual expense 0f conveyance of Chinese persons to the frontier or seaboard for deportation, and for enforcing the provisions of the act approved May fifth, MM. r. 25. eighteen hundred and ninety-two, entitled “An act to prohibit the coming of Chinese persons into the United States/’ fifty thousand dollars, together with the unexpended balance of the appropriation for this object for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-three. _ A1»¤¤k=¤¤ wl ¤¤1¤¤r· ALASKAN sEAL FISHERIES: For salaries and traveling expenses of mAge¤¢¤·¤a1¤1e¤,e¢¤. agents at seal nsheries in Alaska, as follows: For one agent, three thousand six hundred and fifty dollars; one assistant agent, two thousand nine hundred and twenty dollars ; two assistant agents, at two thousand one hundred and ninety dollars each; necessary traveling expenses of agents actually incurred in going to and returning from Alaska, not to exceed five hundred dollars each per annum; in all, twelve thousand nine hundred and fifty dollars. _k£ggl;;gj;ga§;;¤i· ALASKAN rrsunmnsz For publishing the President’s proclamation ` concerning seal fisheries of Bering Sea, and for protecting salmon fish- V•>l·25·P·*°°9· eries of Alaska, as required by act of March second, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, “To provide for the protection of salmon fisheries of Alaska," and for expenses of carrying out lease of and protecting seal life on islands of Saint Paul and Saint George, Alaska, under sections mf;,?; §f·1°52· 197* nineteen hundred and fifty-nine and nineteen hundred and seventy-one, ` Revised Statutes, five hundred dollars. hsggggrrng salmon For the protection of the salmon fisheries of Alaska, under the di- ` rection of the Secretary of the Treasury, four thousand dollars. k,£‘§‘*· °“’·· *° A“‘“’ To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to furnish food, fuel, and clothing to the native inhabitants on the islands of Saint Paul and _ _ Saint George, Alaska, nineteen thousand five hundred dollars. d§.‘QF'°d“°°‘°" °f"’“" To be expended, under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, for the purpose of introducing and maintaining in the Territory of I 6d_ M W Alaska, reindeer for domestic purposes, the sum of six thousand dol-
- ,;.,?'"" "` y °v lars; the same to be immediately available.
Q““'°“*‘““ “°"‘°°· QUABANTINE SERVICE. M’*‘"*€¤*¤°°- For the maintenance and ordinary expenses, including pay of officers and employees of quarantine stations at Delaware Breakwater, Cape Charles, South Atlantic station (Sapelo Sound,) Key West, Gulf, San _ Diego, San Francisco, and Port Townsend, fifty thousand dollars. B,§§j,,$h°““P°“k°B“Y For the purchase of a site for a quarantine station in Chesapeake Bay, seven thousand dollars. .ie£S°Zf°"°“ °' °‘"` PREVENTION or Errnmucs. The President of the United States is hereby authorized, in case of threatened or actual epidemic of cholera, yellow fever, or smallpox, to _ use the unexpended balance of the sums appropriated and reappro- V°‘·2°·P·°"‘· priated by the sundry civil appropriation act approved August fifth, eighteen hundred and ninetytwo, or so much thereof as may be necessary, in aid of State and local boards, or otherwise, in his discretion, in preventing and suppressing the spread of the same; and in such _ _ emergency in the execution of any quarantine laws which may be then §fr‘Q;;,';;;2,y mm3_ in force, and the additional sum of nine hundred thousand dollars is ble. hereby appropriated for the same purpose to be immediately available. Depmmenrcrsme. DEPARTMENT OF STATE. buh3H';,;; ¤.¤, j'g*°f To enable the President to defray the United States’ share of the ex- .i<> n cm . . . . . . mission. penses and salaries of a Joint Commission to determine all questions affecting the water boundary between the United States and Mexico, V<>1·26y1>·1512· as provided for by the treaty of March first, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, twenty-five thousand dollars.