FIFTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 72. 1892. 35 hundred and seventeen and three-fourths days, at three hundred dollars per day, thirty-tive thousand three hundred and twenty-five dollars; For coal consumed by said vessel in performing such duty, live Coal. thousand five hundred and seventy-two dollars; For subsistence of crews taken from vessels seized, two hundred and 0,S¤b¤£w¤¤¤ vfmws eligilrtythree dollars; in all, forty-one thousand one hundred and eighty °°" v°’°°l“‘ o ars. For fuel, supplies, and other necessary expenses of the United States t S¤¤¢g5¤¤¤1¤ir "Alw steamship Albatross, in the waters of Bering Sea and vicinity, for the “s°¤i§p1re¤,m. protection of the seal islands and interests of the Government in Alaska, nmdcr orders of the Treasury Department, twenty thousand dollars, or ` so much thereof as may be necessary. Coasr AND Guonmtnc SUBVEY.—FOI expenses of carrying on apre- S Cmt and Gwdetic liminary survey of the frontier line between Alaska and British Columbia "§`[§§];,, ,.m.,,,_ and the Northwest Territory, in accordance with plans or projects approved by the Secretary of State, including expenses of drawing and publication of map or maps, twenty-three thousand nine hundred dollars, said sum to continue available for expenditure until the same is exhausted, said amount being necessary on account of unforeseen ex penses of the expeditions to the Yukon and Porcupine rivers, in the execution of the boundary line survey, in addition to the sums hitherto appropriated in the sundry civil acts approved, respectively, V¢>1·25. ppé€1s,m; October second, eighteen hundred and eightyeight, March second, V°l‘ 2°‘ PP' ·°°°· eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, August thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety, and March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-one; and the amount herein appropriated shall, upon a final adjustment satisfactory to the Superintendent or the Coast and Geodetic Survey, be considered as a payment in full of all claims for transportation and supplies furnished the Yukon River and Porcupine River parties of the Alaska Boundary Survey. _ Toward the joint survey of the territory adgaccnt to the boundary ,;{{,'}¥.",,“f1’§‘,Q°,§’,,‘f,f,*"f,; line of the United States of America and the ominion of Canada be- A1¤¤k¤ ¤><>¤¤<1¤ryu¤¤. tween the Territory of Alaska and the Province of British Columbia, and the Northwest Territory of Canada, from the latitude of fifty-four degrees and forty minutes north, to the point where said boundary line encounters the one hundred and forty-first degree of west longitude, with a view to the ascertainment of the facts and data necessary to the permanent delimitation of said boundary line in accordance with the spirit and intent of the existing treaties in regard to it between Great Britain and Russia and between the United States and Russia, twenty-five thousand dollars, to be available until expended ; and the whole expense of this survey on the part of the United States shall not exceed the sum of sixty thousand dollars. COLLECTING THE REVENUE FROM CUSTOMS: To defray the expenses mf¤1i¤¤¢i¤z r¤¤···¤¤o ofcollectiug the revenue from customs, being additional to the permanent "‘ °'“"”"°‘ appropriation for this purpose, iour hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Rnoorzuen or Srnvnn Corus: For recoinagc of the uncurrent frac- __°g{y·>i¤=z¤ ·>f »·¤··¤r tional silver coins abraded below the limit of tolerance in the Treasury,' tobe expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, fifty thousand dollars. Frsu Hxroisrmzv, Nonrnvrrnn, Mrorrroknz The act approved Au- \,(fj;¤,;·v,g_¤,&gc*;]¤rrgust thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety, entitled, “An act making ‘ " ` appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the iiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, and for vther purposes," shall be construed as giving to the United States Com- V0'- 2°· P· **8* lmssioner of Fish and Fisheries authority to expend the srun of five thousand dollars therein appropriated for the erection of new buildings at T¤a¤¤¤>r of ¤rr¤¤> Northville, Michigan, for such constructions as may be necessary for ’"°"°”‘ the development of the work of the Fish Commission at that place, including the introduction of a water supply, the construction of ponds, and repairs to the present buildings.