634 FIFTY-SECON D CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 209. 1893. Indian or Indians entitled to the same shall have signed a written' agreement consenting to the sale thereof, and appointing said commissioners, or a majority of them, trustees to sell said land and make Sale ofugencymcfs- a deed to the purchaser thereof; and no part of the agency tract shall be sold until a majority of said Indians shall consent thereto in a written agreement, which shall also constitute said commissioners, or a majority of them, trustees to sell said land, as directed in this act and make deeds to the purchaser for the same. The deeds executed by said commission shall not be valid until approved by the Secretary of the Interior, who is hereby directed to make all necessary regulations to carry out the purposes of the foregoing provisions. The pro- 1>i¤p¤¤¤l¤fpr¤<>¤¤d¤- ceeds arising from the sale of the allotted lands shall be placed in the Treasury to the credit of the respective allottees, and the net proceeds of the agency tract, after paying the expenses of said commission in R·=i¤¤b¤r¤•¤¤¤¤¤¤· the appraisment and sale of said lands, and reimbursing the United States for the amount advanced to said commission, shall be placed in the Treasury of the United States to the credit of all said Indians, and ggwim of iu_ the said sums shall draw interest at the rate of four per centum per anna-ew num, and the income shall be annually expended for the benefit of said Indian s, under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior: Provided; _E¤p¤¤¤1i¢¤r¤¤fpri¤— That an amount not exceeding one tenth of the principal sum may be °"°l° expended for their benefit during any iiscal year, if deemed necessary “AP£;*i°¤¤°¤* °*` by the Secretary of the Interior: Provided further, That the entire ex- °°pense herein incurred shall be apportioned by the Secretary of the Interior pro rata between the several allottees and the owners of the tribal tract; and the Secretary of the Interior may in his discretion designate one member of said Commission to superintend the execution of any of the requirements of said Commission herein provided for. And the sum of twenty thousand dollars or so much hereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated for the purpose of deiraying the expenses of said commission, to be reimbursed to the United States out Av¤¤»l>\¤- of the proceeds of the sale of that portion of the agency tract, to be immediately available. mggyggdiggsggx Snnvmrmc AND ALLOTING- INDIAN RESERVATIONS! Survey and ams} subdivision of Indian reservations, and of lands to be allotted to Indians, and to make allotments in severalty, to be expended by the Commissioner of Indian Aflairs under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, twentyfive thousand dollars. S¤m>·>r¢ ¤f ¤¤1¤<><>¤¤- FOR SUPPORT OF SCHOOLS. _c},’g*_§_f’“" *“"““"*“l For support of Indian day and industrial schools and for other educational purposes not hereinafter provided for, including pay of draftsman to be employed in the office of the Commissioner of Indian Atlairs, one million seventy-tive thousand dollars, of which sum at least one hun- ' _ _ dred and fifty thousand dollars may be expended in the establishment (mQ‘}_Q;,'g,g{’s§‘ P'"“°*>’ and support of primary day schools upon or near Indian reservations ` in addition to the day schools already established; for the support of ,,,§{"QcL{f§f°}.,£Qf{{fj sixty Indian pupils at the Kate Drexel Industrial School on the Uma- R•·s·—r~*tiiiou._l>regon. tilla Indian Reservation in Oregon, six thousand dollars; for the erec- ,,,;;Q,’§Q."L§‘§fQ§,`f,{‘,,g§T"‘ tion and repair of industrial boarding school buildings on or near the reservations and for necessary repairs of boarding school buildings, twenty thousand dollars; for the erection of day school buildings at not to exceed one thousand dollars each, and for repairs of day school buildings, twenty thousand dollars; for the purchase of horses, ,0f*;f,j’,*jf);s$a"*°· ‘°*°·· cattle, sheep, and swine, for said schools, tbirtyfive thousand dollars, ten thousand dollars of which shall be immediately available; to en- _ _ _ able the Commissioner of Indian Affairs under the direction of the wI,§‘{,§?§ C‘?,§QQ;’_‘§,,,“,f Secretary ot the Interior, to complete a suitable Indian Exhibit at !1xr>·»¤i¤·>¤. the World’s Columbian Exposition at Chicago twenty-five thousand —“°“**"l°· dollars, to be immediately available, in all, one million one hundred Pmew. and eighty-one thousand dollars; And provided further, That not more