658 FIFTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 210. 1893. Agency. repent., For rent of quarters for pension agency in Topeka, Kansas, fiscal K“I{;§,_ year eighteen hundred and ninety-two, two hundred and eighty- seven dollars and fifty-cents. Eleventh Census. ELEVENTH CENSUS. <>¤¤¤ri1i¤sr¤¤¤1¢¤· For salaries and necessary expenses for continuing the work of compiling the results of the Eleventh Census, to be immediately available and to continue available until exhausted, as hereinafter provided, eight hundred and forty-thousand dollars. Division of mms, For salaries and necessary expenses for continuing the work of col- "°"‘°°·"""“‘°"'¥“*'°”· lecting and compiling statistics of farms, homes, and mortgages, to be immediately available and to continue available until exhausted, as hereinafter provided, one hundred and eighty thousand dollars. omce of sieveuni That the office of the Eleventh Census shall be abolished and the "°“““*‘ “"°““"°“· terms of the office of Superintendent and of all employees appointed _ under the provisions of the act of March iirst, eighteen hundred and V°l‘2°‘*"7°°‘ eighty-nine, entitled “An act to provide for taking the Eleventh and subsequent censuses/’ or of any subsequent act relating to the Eleventh To terminate ns. Census, shall cease and terminate after the thirty-first day of Decem- °°‘”"°’ *“· 189* ber, eighteen hundred and ninety-three; and thereafter no further expenditures, whether for salaries or expenses, shall be made on account of the Eleventh Census, except as hereinafter provided. The unpub- U¤r¤¤>1i¤h¤¤i Mrk- lished work of the Eleventh Census and of the division of farms, homes, and mortgages shall be completed in the office of the Secretary of the T,,,,,,,, of ,m,,,.d,_ Interior to whom the records and other property of the Census Office em- shall be transferred; and the Secretary of the Interior is authorized to _Swr¤¢=¤ry ref Im- employ, from the date specified in this act, from the force of the Census ‘Q’f" §E${',‘}},’,,"f"":,Z’,L‘}§{ Office then employed, a chief of division at a salary of two thousand •8°¤*··<=¤¤l¤•· °°°· five hundred dollars per annum; three special agents, who shall be statistical experts, at a compensation of six dollars per day each, and a clerical force for duty in said division, which force shall consist of three clerks of class four; three clerks of class three, two of whom shall be practical printers; three clerks of class two, all of whom shall be experienced prooiireaders; three clerks of class one, three clerks at a salary of one thousand dollars per annum, and five computers, at seven 1>¤¤¤¤¤ ofcmvlcy- hundred and twenty dollars per annum; and such chief of division, "'°"°‘ special agents, clerks, and computers shall be discharged on December thirty-first, eighteen hundred and ninety-four, or any of them sooner, if, in the judgment of the Secretary of the Interior, their services can Rm- be dispensed with. And the Secretary of the Interior is hereby anthorized to rent necessary rooms in the city of Washinsxtoii to carry Mmmm. out the provisions of this paragraph at a cost not exceeding the rate of four thousand dollars per annum. And the Secretary of the Intef1§y¤i»1··>··¤e¤.•1ivi¤i¤¤ rior is furthermore authorized to employ from among those engaged ° ‘*"'""‘ °°°' on the thirty-first day of December, eighteen hundred and ninety- three, in the division of farms, homes, and mortgages one expert special agent at six dollars per day and a sufficient number of clerks at a salary of one thousand dollars per annum, and copyists and computers, r·qmpim¤¤ or in- to complete the said investigation by the thirtieth day of September, "““¥“"°"· eighteen hundred and ninety-four; and such special agent and all p.,,,,,,.,,, .,;.,,,1,,;.,,. such clerks, copyists, and computers shall be discharged on said date,
- ¤€¤*· or any of them sooner, it, in the judgment of the Secretary of the
uxglggfpggnggs ¤¤- Interior, their services can be dispensed with. Any unexpended balance 'of appropriations made for the Eleventh Census or for farms, homes, and mortgages which shall remain on the thirty-first day of December, eighteen hundred and ninety-three, shall be applied to the liquidation of any liabilities incurred in each of these investigations, and the rccemmi of remain- mainder placed under the control of the Secretary of the Interior for "°'· the purpose of preparing for the printer the unpublished work of the Eleventh Census and for the completion of the investigation relating to farms, homes, and mortgages, as hereinbefore authorized; but this