664 FIFTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 210. 1893. . chgégk £g*c§_<:*f:*;g1;: To pay for a clerk for the Senator in charge of the conference room room? of the minority of the Senate which shall be in lieu of a11y Senators or Committee clerk for such Senator and shall commence on March fourth, eighteen hundred and ninety-three, two thousand two hundred and twenty dollars. Hguggqfkgprggépt. atives. John e.wm1¤k. To pay to the widow of John G. Warwick, late a Representative in hy “°‘"d°"‘ Congress from the State of Ohio, for the unexpired term of his service as a member of the Fifty-second Congress, two thousand six hundred and thirty-eight dollars and twenty seven cents. g;¤'j:¤<{¢§jfé CMS- To pay to the widow of Alexander K. Craig, late a Representative in Y MCongress from the State ot Pennsylvania, for the unexpired term of his service as a member of the Fifty-second Congress, two thousand nine hundred and eighty-three dollars and twenty-eight cents. Edward F- M¤D·>¤- To pay the widow of Edward F McDonald, late a Representative in a1(Pay to widow. Congress from the State of New Jersey, for the unexpired term of his service as a member of the Fifty-second Congress, two thousand seven hundred and sixty-eight dollars and thirty-eight cents. suuum-y. For stationery, one hundred and twenty-five dollars. Semw and Hom To enable the Secretary of the Senate and the Clerk of the House iigtiiié s$§'}my°i°° of Representatives to pay to the officers and employees of the Senate and House, borne on the annual and session rolls on the third day of March, eighteen hundred and ninety-three, including the Capitol Police and official reporters of the Senate and House, for extra services during the Fifty-second Congress, a sum equal to one month’s pay at the ah{g}¤¤¤<l*¤*¤lY °*’*·“· compeppation then paid them by law, the same to be immediately avai a e. S°*“*°" °'°P‘°F’°°“· To pay all session employees of the House of Representatives authorized by the act making appropriation for the legislative, executive and judicial expenses of the Government for the iiscal year ending A""- v-*8* June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-three, and for other purposes, approved July sixteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-two, to m£?S,_°xt°”°°d °”° the end of the present session of Congress, and one month after its close, ten thousand seven hundred and twenty-four dollars and fifty- five cents. gérgcsgkem To enable the Clerk of the House to pay D. E, Sackett, for services rendered in the enrolling room of the House, during January and February, eighteen hundred and ninety-two, the sum of two hundred and eiglhty dolgtrs and twentiy-tive cents. n. 1.. rmiupt. o a . L. Phillips or extra services rendered during the illness m'"` ”°""°°" of theldchiartment messenger, from July fifteenth to November thirtieth, eighteen lmndred and ninety-two, two hundred and eighty dollars and ninety cents. Fw. cw- For fuel and oil for the heating apparatus, including twenty-six dollars and sixty-four cents on account of the fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-two, two thousand dollars. For fuel and oil for the heating apparatus, fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-one, fifty-two dollars and fifty cents. C¤¤¢¤¤t¢<! eiwicus- For allowance to the following contestants and contestees, audited and recommended by the Committee on Elections, for expenses incurred in contested election cases, namely: ·Y°h¤ B- R¤5’¤°ld¤· John B. Reynolds, one thousand five hundred dollars; Morse W- Sl¤>¤k- George W. Shonk, one thousand five hundred dollars; '1‘h<·m¤¤ H- Grw·y· Tgomas Greevy, two thousand dollars; Edward sum. E warm ull, two thousand dollars Thomas n. Mum. Thomas E. Miller, one thousand five’hundred dollars; \Villiam mmm;. \Villiam Elliott, one thousand five hundred dollars; wm,.,, B_ Hooker_ Warren B. Hooker, five hundred dollars; In all, ten thousand five hundred dollars.