FIFTYSECON D CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 211. 1893. 689 laborer, four hundred and eighty dollars; in all, forty-six thousand seven hundred and ten dollars. For the payment of the services of experts, and for other necessary iaxpms. expenditures connected with the collection of facts relative to the internal and foreign commerce of the United States, one thousand dollars. That the paragraph in section one, subdivision “Bureau of Statis· Eremgg reiltics,” of “An act making appropriations for the legislative, executive, °' P' " and judicial expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-three, and for other purposes," approved July sixteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-two, relating to the returns of exports to foreign countries leaving the United States by rail, is hereby amended so as to read as follows: That hereafter collectors of customs shall render to the Bureau of Secretary to pre- Statistics, in such manner and form and at such periods as the Secre- §’§{,§§‘$,,F°‘“· °‘°‘· °f tary of the Treasury may prescribe, returns of exports to foreign countries leaving the United States by rail. Any person who shall here- ¥=¤¤if¤¤t¤¤f ¤11 mil after deliver to any railway or transportation company or other com- ¥,1§".'{f,‘{}':§,,':;b',Y,"l,ut,`T mon carrier commodities for transportation and exportation by rail *¤¤·¤ •>¤i·=¤¤‘- from the United States to foreign countries, shall also deliver to the collector of customs at the frontier port through which the goods pass into the foreign country a manifest, in such form as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe, duly certified as to its accuracy by said person or his agent, exhibiting the kinds, quantities, and values of the °°"“°“‘“· several articles delivered by such person or his agent for exportation. C mud And no railway car containing commodities, the product or manufacture t,, {’.§.“,§‘°{;,,§’Z',§'{,,.,,,, of the United States or foreign goods, duty paid or free of duty, intended $2, gg**•¤¥ °* to be exported to any foreign country, shall be permitted hereafter` to leave the United States until the agent of the railway or tran portation company, or the person having such car in charge, shall deliver to the customs officer at the last port in the United States through which the commodities pass into foreign territory a manifest thereof, which shall specify the kinds and quantities of the commodities in the form prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury, and until the manifest, exhibiting the kinds, quantities, and values of the several commodities, shall have been delivered to the collector of customs, as above required, by the person exporting such commodities, or by his agent, or information satisfactory to such customs officer as to the kind, quantities, and values of the domestic and foreign free or duty paid commodities laden on such car. The agent or employee of any railway or ,.£{’§‘}lf,}',,§I{¥,f,,,f§"‘,’{g‘f transportation company who shall transport such commodities into a lorry- foreign country before the delivery to the collector of customs of the manifest, as above required shall be liable to a penalty of fifty dollars for P _ each offense; I’ro·vide¢l, That the provisions of this law shall apply to ·;{K'QI;°ig;,,,,...,,, of commodities transported to the frontier in railway cars for exportation ;::¥;*:·§;:;j,j,:_*°“¥ and trans-shipment across the frontier into the adjacent foreign territory- " in ferry boats or vehicles, so far as to require the person in charge thereof to furnish to the collector of customs information of the kinds, quantities, and values of such commodities; And provided _/hrther, That M: mmf:;';;}, *;*5 nothing contained in the foregoing shall be held as applicable to goods in transit between American ports by routes passing through foreign _ territory or to merchandise in transit between places in the Dominion of Canada by routes passing through the United States, or to merchandise arriving at the ports designated under the authority of sec- _ _ tion three thousand and live of the Revised Statutes, and which may B‘S‘·“°°‘3°°°**"5‘°‘ be destined for places in the Republic of Mexico. . ._ D, . SECRET Smzvrcn Division; For one chieh tlu·ee thousand five hun- ,;.§,YY'°° °°m°° "' dred dollars; one chief clerk, two thousand dollars; one clerk of class four; one clerk of class two; one clerk of class one; one clerk at one thousand dollars; and one attendant, at seven hundred and twenty dollars; in all, eleven thousand six hundred and twenty dollars. v01. XXVI1i4—l