FIFTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 211, 211. 1893. 715 of June twentieth, eighteen hundred and seventy four, chapter three hundred and twenty-eight. Sec. 2. That the pay of the assistant messengers, Bremen, watch- Rm of ww. mistmen, laborers, and charwomen provided for in this act, unless other- ;`§.,'L'§°°“g°"‘ n" wise specially stated, shall be as follows; For assistant messengers, fireman, and watchmen, at the rate of seven hundred and twenty dollars per annum each; for laborers, at the rate of six hundred and sixty dollars per annum each, and for charwomen, at the rate of two hundred and forgy dqlllars per annum each. D Sec. . at hereafter no buildin owned, or usedior public urposes, .*€*P**%g P¤l>“¤ by the Government of the United §ates; shall be draped in iinourning £f$E`iii*€€`.ii1m°°r°i°‘ and no part of the public fund shall be used for such purpose. Sec. 4 That hereafter the Executive Departments of the Govern- Closing Doranment shall not be closed as a mark to the memory of any deceased ex- .']§‘§{,‘,°,§f°,f,0‘{,E‘{,‘}’§g",}_°" oificial of the United States. Sec. 5. That on and` after July iirst eighteen hundred and ninety- Hours of labor in three, it shall be the duty of the Heads of the several Executive Depart- E,§,§,§_"°"’° D"*’“"‘ ments, in the interest of the public service, to require of all clerks and other employees, of whatever grade or clas , in their respective departments, not less than seven hours of labor each day, except Sundays and days declared public holidays by law or executive order: Provided: _ That the heads of the Department may, by special order, stating the ,,§§f,$,‘}‘§}“g °' ““‘“‘ reason, further extend or limit the hours of service of any clerk or employee in their Departments, respectively; but in case of an extension it shall be without additional compensation: And provided further, That the head of any Department may grant thirty days’ annual and thirty aussi mu sm; days’ sick leave, with pay, in any one year to each clerk or employee, '“"°· ‘"°" P‘*'· the sick leave to be allowed in cases of personal illness only, or where some member of the immediate tamily is adlicted with a contagious disease and requires the care and attendance of such employee, or where his or her presence in the Department would jeopardize the health of fellow clerks: And be it further provided, That in exceptional and mer- nxmsm or sack itorious cases, where to limit such sick leave would work peculiar hard- ‘°°“’°· ship, it may be extended, in the discretion of the head of the Department, with pay not exceeding sixty days in any one ease or in any one umn, with pay. calendar year. This section shall not be construed to mean that so long as a clerk Excessive absence. or employee is borne upon the rolls of the Department in excess of the time herein provided for or granted, that he or she shall be entitled to Nopny ¤n¤pn.m»¤ pay during the period of such excessive absence, but that the pay shall °f ¥"““°*‘ **`*"'°· stop upon the expiration of the granted leave S20. 6. That all acts or parts of acts inconsistent or in conflict with iapan. the provisions of this act, are hereby repealed. Approved, March 3, 1893. CHAP. 212.-An act making appropriations tbr the Naval Service for fiscal year Much :1, iso:. ending June thirtieth, eighte-cn hundred and ninety-four, and for other purposes. ——---——-··— Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Staten of America in Congress axsmnbled, That the following sums be, igmvussrvnesppmand they are hereby, appropriated, to be paid out of any money in the P"““°“· Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the Naval Service of the Government for the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-four, and for other purposes: PAY or THE NAVY. Pay mus Navy. For the pay of officers on sea duty; officers on shore and other duty; officers on waiting orders; officers on the retired list; clerks to commdants of yards and stations; clerks to paymasters at yards and stations;