FIFTY-SECON D CONGRESS. Sess. II. RES. 12-15. 1893. 755 State the picture in the Capitol entitled “The Recall of Columbus,” by Loan or mmii tr Augustus G. Heaton, for exhibition at the World’s Columbian Expo- §§jf‘““’““” “““‘°" sition. Approved, February 13, 1893. [No. 13.] Joint resolution authorizing the Secretaries of War and of the Navy to February 14, 1803. loan to the Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies Flags, and so forth. wow-? Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War Inauguration my. and the Secretary of the Navy be, and they are hereby, authorized to ,,,Lc‘f,"Q,‘§m‘{f,§§gj;,,§,‘§;; loan to the Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies such ensigns, flags, imiand so forth (except battle flags), that are not now in use and may be suitable and proper for decoration and may be spared without detriment to the public service; such flags to be used by said Committee under such regulations and restrictions as may be prescribed by the said Secretaries or either of them, in decorating the fronts of public buildings and other places on the line of March between the Capitol and the Executive Mansion, and the interior of the Reception Hall: Pro- Prouiso, vided, That the said Committee shall indemnify the said Department ¥“d°"’“‘*Y· or either of them for any loss or damage to such flags not necessarily incident to such use. ` Approved, February 14, 1893. [No. 14.] Joint resolution providing for additional telegraphic and electric light February 15, 1893. facilities in the City of \Vashington during the inaugural ceremonies on the fourth ·;———j day of March, eighteen hundred and ninety-three. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Commissioners of the f¤·=¤:m1 memo- District of Columbia be, and they are hereby, authorized to permit the °’§”,;m,,,,,,,.y p,,,,,,,,, Western Union Telegraph Company and the United States Electric £Q;_,u°(y¤*l¤¤¤·i wires Light Company to extend overhead wires into the Pension Building and °` to such points along the line of parade as shall be deemed by the Chief Marshal convenient for use in connection with the parade and other inaugural purposes, the said wires to be taken down within ten days after the conclusion of the ceremonies on the tburth day of March, anno Doniini eighteen hundred and ninety-three. Approved, February 15, 1893. [No 15.] Joint resolution to amend an act entitled "An act making Saturday a I·‘e1mmry18,1s0:x. halfholidny tbr bnnkingnnd trust companies in the District ofColumbia," nppmvad ·i*·—~-——·· —»— December twenty-second, eighteen hundred and ninety-two. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That Section one of the act of s _¤>i¤¤·i¤¢ of C·>1¤¤·- Congress approved l)e¢·ember twenty—S•3c0Hd, eighteen hundred and °`§mmi,,,- Mn- hon. ninetywwo, entitled “An act making Saturday a half holiday for bank- ***;;],6 405 ing and trust company purposes in the Distlict of Colun1bia," be, and 'p' ' it is hereby, amended so as to read as follows: "That every Saturday which under existing laws shall not become n, sq¤··r·1»ysmtei¤g¤1 lcgnl holiday in its entirety, in the District of Columbia, shall therein Mh l"`l"I“*"‘ ° be a legal holiday, from twelve o’clock at noon, for all purposes respectingthe presentation for payment or acceptance or the protesting or iufmstnting. prgtem
- l\’lng notice of the dishonor of bills of exchange, bank checks, drafts, ,,,§lQ’,§’,,°,Yg,x‘Q‘§°,,;,,‘,§,,S,
promissory notes, and all commercial paper WhatS0€Ve1‘, whether made (W`- in or beyond the said District or whether made before or after the