FIFTY-SECON D CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 194, 200, 202. 1892. 777 Monday in August, eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, the day of sale, at Huntsville, Alabama, sold as the property of William Boyd to satisfy said execution, namely, the east half of the northeast quarter of section thirty-tive, and the west half of the northwest quarter and the west half of the southwest quarter of section thirty, all in township fifteen, range sixteen west in Huntsville, Alabama, meridian, is hereby released, and acquitted in favor of Elizabeth T. Boyd, widow of the said Willia1n Boyd, deceased, her heirs and assigns. SEG, 2, That the litle acquired by the United States to the land sold, gw1S- Hankunpunder and by virtue of the same execution, and at the same time and Sm€£," {K ;g},‘,§”€,'} place, as the property of Joel S. Hankins, to satisfy said execution, £“'£*¥*“*» ·*l¤—· ¤>· and purchased at said sale by the United States, namely, the south as °' half of northwest quarter, and the west half of the southwest. quarter of section five, township fifteen, range fourteen west, and the northwest quarter of northeast quarter, and the east half of southwest quarter, and the west half of southeast quarter of section seven, and the northeast quarter of section eighteen, all in township fifteen, range fourteen west, Huntsville, Alabama, meridian, is hereby released and acquitted, in favor of the said Joel S. Hankins, his heirs and assigns. Approved, July 15, 1892. CHAP. 200.-Au act for the relief of Lieutenant-Colonel Charles G. Sawtelle, July 16, 1892. deputy quartermaster·general, United States Army. —···;——· Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the proper accounting CharlesG.Sawtelle officers, in settling and adjusting the accounts of Lieutenant—Colonel °“"*‘“‘”"°°°“"°*'" Charles G. Sawtelle, deputy quartermaster-general, United States Army, are hereby directed to credit said Lieutenant-Colonel Charles G. Sawtelle, deputy quartermastcr-general, United States Army, with the sum of one hundred and twenty-six dollars and forty cents, being the amount of internal revenue tax due from employees of the United States, employed by Major—General E. R. S. Canby, at the city of New Orleans, Louisiana, in the secret service, in the year eighteen hundred and sixty-five, and paid by Lieutenant-Colonel Charles G. Sawtelle, the same amount appearing to have been withheld from said employees, but no receipt of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue being presented for the amount as required by law, and which amount is now suspended against Lieutenant Colonel Charles G. Sawtelle, deputy quartermastergeneral, United States Army, by the accounting officers of the Treasury, in the settlement of his accounts; the said iiinds having been withheld from the employees and stolen or embezzled from Lieutenant- Colonel Charles G. Sawtelle, as he believes, without his default, at the city of New Orleans, Louisiana, in the year eighteen hundred and sixty- five. Approved, July 16, 1892. CHAP. 202.-An act for the relief of the First Methodist Church, in the city of July 1g_ 1892, Jackson, Tennessee. -———-—··Y·-— Be it enacted ln; the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States ry` America i n Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Fm, M,,,,,,,,, st Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay to the ggugrchy J¤~k¤<>¤. trustees of the First Methodist Episcopal Church South, in the city of igaymem it. Jackson. Tennessee, the sum of three thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars, for the use of said church as a hospital and for other purposes, during the war of the rebellion; which sum shall bein iiill for all claims said church may have against the United States for rents and damages. Approved, July 18, 1892.