892 GENERAL Aor-sLAvE TRADE. JULY 2, 1890. surveiller la legalité en contrelant over their legality by especially notamment les contrats de service controlling contracts for— service avec les indigenes et de préparer with natives, and to prepare the la fondation de centres de cultures way for the foundation of permapermanents et d’etab1issem ents nent centres of cultivation and of commerciaux; commercial settlements. kl’r¤¢¤¤¤¤¤ of ¤¤l¤· 3° De proteger, sans distinction 3. Toprotect,withoutdistinction ° "` de culte,1es missions établies ou a of creed, the missions which are établir; already or that may hereafter be established. H”Phds_,,,,_ 4** D3 pgiuvgir au Service, gmyi- 4. To provide fol‘ the S3.l1ll}a»I'y taire et d’accorder Phospitalité et Service and to extend hospitality des secours aux explorateurs et Mid help to eXPl0F9PS find to 3U a tous ceux qui participent en who take part in Africa in the work Afrique a Pceuvre de la repression of 1`6P1‘e¤Bi11g the S]8·Ve-l>1`¤dede Ia traite. ARTICLE III_ ARTICLE III. Measuresby powers Les Puigsanges qui gxgrugut upg _The p0Wel‘S exercising it SOVQI- §§;§{}’}°*"“ "`T"` souveraineté ou un protectorat eu eignty or a protectorate in Africa Afrique, conurmant bt préeigm]1; (5011IlI'H1 and g1V6 precision to their leurs declarations an térieures, fo1‘m€1‘ de0}3·1‘2Wl0¤S, and 0¤1§¤·g€ to s’engagent apoursuivre graduelle- proceed gradually, as circumment, suivant que les circonstan- stances may permit, either by the ces le pcrmettront, soit par les means above indicated or by any moyens indiqués ci-dessus, suit other means that theymayconsider pai- tous autres qui lem- paraitrgpt suitable, with the repression of the convenables, la repression de la S13·V0·hI‘3d6, each State in HSS retraite, chacune dans ses posses. spective possessions and under its sions respectives et sous sa direc- 0W1I direction. Whenever they tion propre. Toutes lesfois qu’elles consider it possible, they shall lend le jugeront possible, elles préteront their good ouices to such powers as, leurs bons offices aux Puissauues with a purely humanitarian object, qui, dans un but purement huma may be engaged in Africa in the nitaire, accompliraient eu Afrique fulfillment of a similar mission. une mission analogue. Anricm IV. ARTICLE IV. ¤>g¤s•¤¤¤ @{1;;- Les Puissances exemunt des pon- The States exercising sovereign 2,`Q”,.,,§°f’”'”°”°'°voirs souverains ou es protecto- powers or protectorates in Africa ` rats en Afrique pourront toutefois may in all cases delegate to comdéleguer a des compagnies munies panics provided with charters all de chartes, tout ou partie des en- or a portion of the engagements gagements qu’elles assument en which they assume in virtue of Arvertu de Particle III. Elles de- ticle III. They remain, neverthemeurent néanmoins directement less, directly responsible for the responsables des engagements engagements which they contract qu’elles contractent par le present by the present act, and guarantee Acte general et en garantissent the executionthereotl The powers Pexécution. promise to encourage, aid and pro- Les Puissances promettent ac- tect such national associations and cueil, aide et protection aux asso- enterprises due motivate initiative ciations nationales et aux initia- as may wish to cooperate in their tives individuelles qui voudraient possessions in the repression of the coopérer dans leurs possessions a slavetrade, subject to their receivla repression de la traite, sous la ing previous authorization, such reserve de leur antorisation prea- authorization being revocable at lable et révovable en tout temps, any time,subject alsoto theirbeing de leur direction et controle, et a directed and controlled, and to the