TREA'I‘Y—STATE OF THE CONGO. JANUARY 24, 1891. 931 than those which are or shall be plus élevées que celles qui sont ou imposed upon the public or private seront imposées aux batiments puvessels of the most favored nation. blics ou privés de la nation la plus _ favorisée. lt is agreed that every vessel Il est convenu que tout navire iia·..,;¤int¤ tim; belonging to one of the High con- appartenant a l’une des Hautes U tracting Parties or to a citizen or Parties contractantes ou a un ciinhabitant of one of them, having toyen ou habitant de l’une d’elles, the right to bear the Hag of that ayant le droit de porter le pavilion country and having the right to its de ce pays et ayant droit a sa proprotection, both according to the tection, le tout conformément aux laws of that country, shall be con- lois de ee pays, sera considéré sidered as a vessel of that nation- comme un navire de sa nationaality. lité. Anrrcrn VII. Auricnm VII. In what concerns the freight and En ce qui concerne les tarifs et Mpmiiamiise in facilities of transportation, and les faeilités de transport et les *"""°‘“· tolls, the merchandise belonging péages, les marchandises apparteto the citizens or inhabitants of nant aux citoyens ou habitants de one of the contracting States trans- Pun des Etats contractants, transported over the roads, railroads portées sur les routes, chemins de and waterways of the other State, fer et voies navigables de l’antre shall be treated on the same foot- Etat, seront traitées sur le meme ing as the merchandise belonging pied que les marchandises apparte to the citizens or inhabitants of the nant aux citoyens ou habitan ts de most favored nation. la nation la plus favorisée. ARTICLE VIII. ARTICLE VIII. In ighg tgryimrigs Of pgither of Dans 18S b8I'I'ilI01I‘t3S(i’2'l·l1(}l1D4i*» (ICS No gliscriminating the High contracting Parties shall Hautes Parties contractantes, il ne P’°*“*”°*°¤¤· there be established or enforced a sera etabli ni mis en vigueur de prohibition against the importa- prohibmon al’égard de llimportation, exportation or transit of any tion, de Pexportation ou du tranarticle oflegal commerce, produced sit d’aueun article d’un commerce or manufactured in the territories légal, prodnit ou manufacture dans of the other, unless this prohibition les territoires 'de .l’autre, at moins shall equally and at once be ex- que cette prohibition ne soit ctentended to all other nations. due également et en meme temps a toutes les autres nations. IXRTICLE IX. [Extradition.] _ [Stricken out by the Senate.] .\B.'1‘ICLE X. Aizrionn X. The Republic of the United La République des Etats-Unis _ AgreemonttoCongo StatcsofAmei·ica, recognizing that d’Amériquc, reconnuissant qu’il """""""""’°‘ it is just and n<·ccssai·y to facilitate est juste et necessaire de iaciliter to the Independent State of the at l’Etat lndepcndant du, Congo Congo the accomplishment of the l’ac_con1plissement des obligations obligations which it has contracted (11171] a contractees en vertu de by virtue of the General Act ot Pacte General de Bruxelles du 2 Brussels of July 2nd, 1800, admits, iuillct 1890, admet, pour ce qui la so tar as it is concerned, that im- concerne, que des droits d’entrée port duties may be collected upon soient percus sur les marchandises merchandise imported into the said importces dans le dit Etat. State. The tariif of these duties can not ,Le tarif de ces droits ne pourra Raves. go beyond 10% of the value of the depasser 10% de la valeur des merchandise at the port of impor- marchandises au port d7lI1l])0!.‘l)2\-