954 CONVENTION-GREAT BRITAIN. APRIL 18, 1892. Anmxonn VH. Bsrinmicn. The present Convention shall be duly ratified by the President of the United States, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate thereoi, and by Her Britannic Majesty; and the ratiiications shall be exchanged either at Washington or at London as early as possible. In faith whereof, we, the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed this Convention and have hereunto aiiixed our Seals. Done in duplicate at Washington, this eighteenth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-two. span-. Jnms G. BLAINE [sian. J ULIAN PAUNCEFOTE. [SEAI.] 1,,,,,,,., of mm. And whereas the said Convention has been duly ratified on both ¤•¤¤¤•- part.? and the ratiiications of the two Governments were exchanged in the ity of London, on the seventh day of May, one thousand, eight hundred and ninety-two; mmm Now, therefore, be it known that I, BENJAMIN HARRISON, President of the United States of America, have caused the said Convention to be made public, to the end that the same, and every article and clause thereoi, may beobserved in good faith by the United States and the citizens thereoil In witness whereoi, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the City of Washington, this ninth day of May, in [SEAL] the year of our Lord one thousand, eight hundred and ninety- two, and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and sixteenth. BENJ Hlmmsom By the President: J mms G. BLAINE Secretary of State.