FIFTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 188. 1895. 907 That the allotments of land made to the Quapaw Indians, in the Q¤=r¤w I¤di·¤¤¤· Indian Territory, in pursuance of an act of the Quapaw National niiozmems cm- Council, approved March twenty-third, eighteen hundred and ninety- **m°**· three, be and the same are hereby ratified and confirmed, subject to ' revision, correction and approval by the Secretary of the Interior: Provided, however, That any allottee who may be dissatisfied with his Prana;. allotment shall have all the rights to contest the same provided for in R°""‘°"· said Act of the Qnapaw National Council subject to revision, correc- P to tion, and approval by the Secretary of the Interior. And the Secrc- ° M" tary of the Interior is hereby authorized to issue patents to said allottees in accordance therewith.: Provided, That said allotments shall 1mi1H1st1s rt: be inalienable for a period of twenty-five years from and after the date “"’“""‘“"° ’°‘“" of said patents: And provided further, That the surplus lands on said sm-pm mus. reservation, if any, may be allotted from time to time, by said tribe to its members, under the above entitled act. That the expenditure of the money appropriated for school purposes d,fg*2¤&£j:°gg*3§f£ in this Act shall be at all times under the supervision and direction of Mimi sspmmmm. the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, and in all respects in conformity with such conditions, rules, and regulations as to the conduct and methods of instruction and expenditure of money as may from time to · time be prescribed by him, subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Interior. Sec. 2. That no purchase of supplies for which appropriations are p,};:{°0*b·::•a`g;ng3: herein made, exceeding in the aggregate five hundred dollars in value, at any one time, shall be made without iirst giving at least three weeks! ' public notice by advertisement, except in ease of exigency, when, in the _1:mp¢m¤, exam. discretion of the Secretary of the Interior, who shall make ohicial record °'°‘ of the facts constituting the exigency and shall report the same to Gongress at its next session, he may direct that purchases may be made in open market in amount not exceeding three thousand dollars at any onepurchase: Provided, That funds herein and heretofore appropriated Prqvirap. for construction of artesian wells, ditches, and other works for irrigat I""‘“"°“‘· ing may, in the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior, be expended in open market: Provided further, That purchase in open market shall, di;Q‘;°h“°“ f’°‘“ h" as lar as practicable, be made from Indians, under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior: Provided further, That the Secretary of the pnmuemrmsbym. Interior may, when practicable, arrange for the manufacture by Indians d‘“‘““‘ upon the reservation of shoes, clothing, leather, harness, and wagons. ‘ Sm. 3. That the Secretary of the Interior, under the direction of the Diversion oflvfplns President, may use any surplus that may remain in any of the said f°‘ ““b'”“‘°“°° appropriations herein made for the purchase of subsistence for the several Indian tribes, to an amount not exceeding twenty-five thousand dollars in the aggregate, to supply any subsistence deficiency that may P . occur: Provided, however, That funds appropriated to fulfill treaty obli- rmmm. gations shall not be used: And provided further, That any diversions R°P°'°· which shall be made under authority of this section shall be reported in detail, and the reason therefor, to Congress, at the session of Congress next succeeding such diversion: And provided _/iorther, That the “f’u“_"fQ‘,'f,_'° °’ '*‘°°" Secretary of the Interior, under the direction of the President, may use any sums appropriated in this Act for subsistence, and not absolutely necessary for that purpose. for the purchase of stock cattle for the beneiit of the tribe for which such appropriation is made, or for the assistance of such Indians to become farmers, and in aiding such Indians as have taken allotments to build houses and other buildings for residence or improvement of such allotments, and shall report to Congress, at its next session thereafter, an account of his action under this provision. Sec. 4. That when not required for the purpose for which appr0pri— fm'}`;:l¤¤1{)¤°g:_f¤¤¤• ated the funds herein provided for the pay of specified employees at P Y any agency may be used by the Secretary of the Interior for the pay of other employees at such agency, but no deficiency shall be thereby ‘ created; and, when necessary, specified employees may be detailed for other service when not required for the duty for which they were
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