468 FIFTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. RES. 29-32. 1896. of the harbor at Mobile, Alabama, proceed with the work of dredging, under the direction of the Secretary of War, until the channel under improvement shall be completed to a width of two hundred and eighty feet and a depth of twenty-three feet for its full width of two hundred and eighty feet, payment therefor to be made at the rate specified in said contract, seven and seventenths cents per cubic yard, out of appro- {ww-u priations as they shall hereafter from time to time be made: Provided, ""‘°” That the payments upon said contract shall be held to be due only after appropriation shall have been made therefor, and shall not exceed in gw; gz the aggregate the sum limited for said work in the appropriation bill ` 'P' of July thirteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-two, authorizing a continuing contract for said work. . Approved, March 16, 1896. umn uml'- [No. 30.] Joint Resolution Relating to the Federal census. 1’r¤•¤\~1·- · Whereas representatives of various Governments which make decennial enumerations of the people are making eiibrts to secure uniformity in the inquiries to be used in future censuses; and Vwiereas alsoit is expedient to give early consideration to some comprehensive plan for the establishment of a permanent census service: Therefore, Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States {{fn°*g\_°°¤•¤•· t of America in Congress assembled, That the Commissioner of Labor, now units 8 he me in charge of the Eleventh Census, is hereby authorized and directed to ""°*°"· correspond and confer with the census officers of other Governments for the purpose of securing uniformity in the inquiries relating to the people to be used infuture censuses; and that said Commissioner is also hereby directed to report to Congress for its consideration, as soon as practicable, a plan for a permanent census service. Approved, March 19, 1896. M,,.,,], 1g_ Bm [No. 31.] Joint Resolution Directing the Public Printer to supply the Senate and ———1————- House Libraries each with ten additional copies of the Congressional Record. Preamble- Whereas the number of copies of the Congressional Record provided for the Senate Library by section seventy-three of the Act in regard to public printing, approved January twelfth, eighteen hundred and ninety-five, has proved insuillcient to supply the needs of the Senate: Therefore, _ _ Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States °,§f"“¥'°”°'°”"‘ R°°‘ of America in Congress assembled, That section seventy-three of the Act §·E··¤¤ruE> Spam of January twelfth,eighteen hundred and ninety-five, providing for the §’,,,,,,,‘]}{“° """“"" public printing and binding and the distribution of public documents, Vol-28.v- 617- which reads; “To the Senate and House Libraries, ten copies each," be so amended as to read: “To the Senate and House Libraries twenty copies each." Approved, March 19, 1896. _ M“""h 2l’·_18°?°· _ [No. 32.] Joint Resolution For the relief of ex-Naval Cadets John P. J. Ryan, John lt. Morris, and Chester Wells. Resolved, By the Senate andHouse of Representatires of the United States Rdgfjrlgljgegjggg of America in Congress assembled: That the President of the United we-in._ States be, and he is, hereby authorized to nominate and by and with ,,§§;§,,}*° §,{’g,‘§§§f the advice and consent of the Senate, to appoint John P. J. Ryan, John Ngsgams B. Morris, and Chester Wells to be assistant engineers in the Navy: Ex,m.,,,;¤,,,_ Provided, That they shall pass an examination in steam engineering