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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 29.djvu/509

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FIFTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Gus. 1-3. 1896. {JQ made by the _State, its counties and cities, and by private corporations and by individuals, shall amount to at least the sum of one-half million of dollars. ‘ Approved, December 22, 1896. CHAR. 2.-An Act Makin appropriations for the a me tofve Dooom . pensions of the United Statds fhg tlie fiscal year endling J due tlii)rti.¢gl2`ll,·cld‘gl(i:;.er:. undred and ninety-eight, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, ,,P°¤¤*¤¤• •1>v¤·wi¤· and the same are hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the Treas? °°°` nry not otherwise appropriated, for the payment of pensions for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, and for other purpose , namely:` For army and navy pensions, as follows: For iuvalids, widows, minor .I¤*¤1i¤· M-. penchildren, dependent relatives, army nurses, and all other pensioners who np"` are now borne on the rolls, or who may hereafter be placed thereon, ~ under the provisions of any and all Acts of Congress, one hundred and forty million dollars: Provided, That the appropriation aforesaid for P~¤¤·¤·· . navy pensions shall be paid from the income of the navy pension iinnd, N“"" ’°‘“‘°"“· so far as the same may be sufficient for that purpose: Provided further, That the amount paid to each of the several classes of pensioners shall A¤·=·>¤¤¢¤- be accounted for separately. For fees and expenses of examining surgeons for services rendered g_§nj*”**¤*¤S ¤¤*· within the fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, seven hun- roam. dred thousand dollars. And each member of each examining board shall, as now authorized by law, receive the sum of two dollars for the examination of each applicant whenever five or a less number shall be examined on any one day, and one dollar for the examination of each _ additional applicant on such day: Provided, That if twenty or more Qgmgztionn applicants appear on one day, no fewer than twenty shall, il' practi- ' cable, be examined on said day, and that if fewer examinations be then made, twenty or more having appeared,then there shall be paid for the first examinations made on the next examination day the fee of one dollar only until twenty examinations shall have been made: Provided further, That no fee shall be paid to any member of an examining board ,c§g°£,·;;;y,¤¤¤• wvunless personally present and assisting in the examination of applicant: ` Provided, That the report of such examining surgeons shall specitlcally HMM2- state the rating which in their judgment the applicant is entitled to. For salaries of eighteen agents for the payment of pensions, at four *¤•¤*·'••l¤¤‘*··· thousand dollars each, seventy-two thousand dollars. For clerk hire, four hundred and thirty thousand dollars: Prorided, glxsspirs- That the amount of clerk hire for each agency shall be apportioned as Apportioument. nearly as practicable in proportion to the number of pensioners pand at each agency, and the salaries paid shall be subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Interior. For fuel, two hundred and fifty dollars. Ff*°*· For lights, five hundred dollars. _ L¤sM¤- For stationery and other necessary expenses, thirty-tive thousand S¢·¤i·>¤¤¤‘· M- dollars. For rents, twenty-six thousand one hundred and thirty dollars, Rents. Approved, December 22, 1896. CHAP ,., ·' s to su l nr ent deficiencies in the December 1896. appropria|donzf‘fo‘:c::;h1¢:i££e:la:l ;gg:°£n1•hh(guJ1ine tlhirgieth? eighteen hundred and r""" i *_%w‘ ninety-seven, and for prior years, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and apgioggggéasgsatneaq the same are hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury ‘