FIFTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ons. 5, 7-9. 1897. 483 shall execute and deliver to the President of the United States, or to such officer as he may designate, a satisfactory bond in the sum of hfty thousand dollars: And provided, That the said committee shall P*¢>¤i¤¢>·_ indemnify the said Departments, or either of them, for any loss or ai}'d°°`”’°’ f°” 1°“°’ damage to said ensigns, iiags, and so forth, not necessarily incident to the use heretofore specified. Approved, January 6, 1897. CHAP. 'l.—An Act Extending the time within which the University of Utah shall J°¤¤*¤'5’ 8- 1897- oecupy lands heretofore granted to it. ww Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the time within which the gf,‘j,‘,}],‘ dmdddd for University of Utah shall occupy the lands granted to it by Act of July iwcupyiug University twenty-third, eighteen hundred and ninety-four, is hereby extended from miii>ijzs,p.1is. five years to ten years thereafter; and the said Act is so amended that instead of live years it shall read ten years. Approved, January 8, 1897. CHAP. 8.-An Act To refer the claim of the owners of the brig Tal1y~Ho to the J¤¤¤¤¤‘y 9. 1897- Conrt of Claims. I U; Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United _ States of America in Congress assembled, That the claim of the legal gf,j§m"Qfjl{§;;*‘;;d owners of the brig Tally—Ho, her cargo and freight, and of personal referred m chin of effects on board her, alleged to have been sunk by a collision with the °*‘““‘“‘ United States steam vessel of war Pinta, on or about the third day of Uctober, eighteen hundred and eighty-three, be referred to the Court of Claims, to hear and determine the same tojudgment, notwithstanding the lapse of time, with right of appeal as in other cases. _ Whereas the legal owners of said brig, cargo, freight, and personal d,E“° °’ °‘"“°“°° °“ eflects, or some of them, did, on the twenty-ninth day of July, eighteen · hundred and eightytour, file in said Court of Claims, in the case referred to said court by the Secretary of the Nav)', and then numbered on the docket of said court departmental case numbered sixteen, their petition setting forth their losses by said collision; and whereas evidence has been taken upon said petition, both by said petitioners and by the United States, and said evidence has been tiled in said court, the claim above referred to said court may be heard and determined by suid court upon said petition already filed therein; and the said evidence already taken and filed by either party upon said petition may be used and referred to in said hearing and determination of said claim in all respects as if originally taken and filed for the purposes of the hearing and determination thereof provided for by this Act, with the right of Appealeither party to appeal to the Supreme Court of the United States. Approved, January 9, 1897. CHAP. 9.-An Act To amend chapter one hundred and eleven of the Acts of the January 9, 1897. third session of the Fifty-third Congress. _""""" Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United _ · · States of America in Congress assembled, That chapter one hundred and §:Q;g¤£}¤z· eleven of the Acts of the third session, Fiftythird Congress, is hereby ’ ` amended by striking out the first proviso therein and inserting the following; *‘Provided, That the site shall leave the building unexposed Qg;*;l>:fg,{;d¤°¤•i· to danger from fire in adjacent buildings by an open space of not less ` than forty feet, including streets and alleys." Approved, January 9, 1897.
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