526 FIFTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cus. 214, 216, 221. 1897. R°°"• •*°· For continuing the construction and repairs of the roads between the south guardhouse and southern boundary line of reservation, and for continuing the laying of a stone walk along same, and extending the same northward to a junction with the present concrete walks, one thousand dollars- “"°' *’°'*'· For eonstructiiig a set of filter beds, and connecting the same with the new reservoir and otherwise purifying the water, including all necessary appurtenances, to be immediately available, twenty-tive thousan dollars; W"" °“PP'Y· For necessary improvementsto water-supply system, to be immediately avgilable, ten thousand dollars; h WM ¤·*¤· or aying a water main an appurtenances to connect the new reservoir with the existing sybtem of water distribution, so as to adord an adequate direct iire pressure, to be immediately available, fifteen thousand dollars- ¥¤••¤· For cases, matdrials, fittings, fixtures, and other appliances for ordnance museum in new Academy building, one thousand dollars; H¥‘*’“*“· For six fire hydrants, four hundred and nfty dollars; E¤H*¤°°’ "°”*°k¤· For building iron stairways in hall of engineer barracks, with neccssarysupports and framing for same, two thousand eight hundred dollars- · For painting the interior of engineer barracks, five hundred dollars; In all, for public buildings and grounds, eighty-two thousand two hundred and forty-four dollars. Approved, February 10, 1897 . Fc ruryl . IM. QIAP. 216.-A Act To authorize thou nd tent' of lands contain' ‘;""·"‘L·····— petroleum and oth; mineral oils under the pgeammliirg lawgof the Uni ted Stag: Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United gwlgi mh States of America. in Oongresa assembled, That any person authorized to Eta.`- placer mining enter lands under the mining laws of the United Statesmay enter and },'f’§__sm_,3_.,,_m3, obtain patent to lands containing petroleum or other mineral oils, and 1>.42s. chiefly valuable therefor, under the provisions of the laws relating to pm:". _ placer mineral claims: Provided, That lands containing such petroleum P"'" °]‘“"‘“‘ or other mineral oils which have heretofore been filed upon, claimed, or improved as mineral, but not yet patented, maybe held and patented under the provisions of this Act the same as if such filing, claim, or improvement were subsequent to the date of the passage hereof. Approved, February 11, 1897. _ F•b*'““’Y li'- lm- CHAP. 22]..-An Act To commission passed assistant surgeons in the United States —""""`*"`“ Navy stud to provide for their examination preliminary to their promotion to the glll 0 0 BHIQBOII. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United g:?;, __ i t t States of America in Congress assembled, That passed assistant surgeons ...r,,.-W. to Lf CZK,. now borne upon the Navy Register shall be commissioned as such by ¤;g·gf¤j_j{;_,,,,8 D ,,6 the President, such commissions to bear the dates upon which said '`' passed assistant surgeons, respectively, receityed their appointments as F~·····i¤¤¤¤¤¤~ such · and hereafter assistant surgeons shall e regularly promoted and commissioned as passed assistant surgeons, and passed assistant surgeons as surgeons subject to such examinations as may be prescribed Promo. by the Secretary oi the Navy: Pro rldecl, lioorever, That no examination m°°" of passed assistant surgeons shall be ordered until the expiration of six months from the pa sage of this Act, during which time promotions shall be made as now provided by law. Approved, February 13, 1897.