CON VENTI()N—GREAT BRITAIN. JUNE 11, 1896. S45 of Arbitration, the question of such liability should be definitely and fully settled and determined, and compensation made, for any injuries for which, in the contemplation of the Treaty aforesaid, and the award ` and findings of the Tribunal of Arbitration compensation may be due to great Britain from the United States; And whereas it is claimed by Great Britain, though not admitted by the United States, that prior to the said award certain other claims against the United States accrued in favor of Great Britain on account of seizures of or interference with the following named British sealing vessels,—to wit, the “Wanderer," the “Winnifred/’ the “Henrietta" and the “()scar and Hattie," and it is for the mutual nterest and convenience of both the High Contracting Parties that the liability of the United States, if any, and the amount of compensation to be paid, if any, in respect of such claims and each of them should also be determined under the provisions of this Convention—a1l claims by Great Britain under Article V of the Modus Vivendi of April 18, 1892 for V•>l-2"»1>·°5& the abstention from fishing of British sealers during the pendency of said arbitration having been definitely waived before the Tribunal of Arbitration: _ The United States of America and Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, to the end of concluding a Convention for that purpose, have appointed as their respective Plenipotentiaries : The President of the United States, the Honorable Richard Olney, Yl¤¤iP·>¤¤¤¤¤ri¤¤· Secretary of State; and Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, the Right Honorable Sir Julian Pawneefote, G. C. B., G. C. M. G., Her Majesty’s Ambassador Extraordinary. and Plenipotentiary to the United States; Who, after having communicated to each other their respective full powers, which were found in due and proper form, have agreed to and concluded the following Articles: Aizricuz I. . The high Contracting Parties agree that all claims on account of BQ:¤?¤¤¤f¤f Gr¤¤¤ injuries sustained by persons in whose behalf Great Britain is entitled ciaxmtigu gaxeui to claim compensation from the United States and arising by virtue of *0 C¤¤·¤¤i¤¤i·>¤¤¤· the Treaty aforesaid, the award and the findings of the said Tribunal of Arbitration, as also the additional claims specified in the 5th paragraph of the preamble hereto, shall be referred to two Commissioners, one of whom shall be appointed by the President of the United States, and the other by Her Britannic Majesty, and each of whom shall be learned in the law. Appended to this Convention is a list of the claims intended to be referred. Anricmc II. The two Commissioners shall meet at Victoria, in the Province of M•°¤¤K=·*V*<=¤¤*·· British Columbia, Canada, as soon as practicable after the exchange of the ratifications of this Convention, and, after taking an oath that they will fairly and impartially investigate the claims referred to them and render a just decision thereon, they shall proceed jointly to the discharge of their duties. The Commission shall also sit at San Francisco, California, as well as s1m¤gam San ri-im. Victoria, provided either Commissioner shall so request if he shall be °"°°· of opinion that the interests of justice shall so require, for reasons to be recorded on the minutes. Aizrrcrn III. The said Commissioners shall determine the liability of the United Dmsiouro be mm. States, if any, in respect of each claim and assess the amount of compensation, if any, to be paid on account thereof—so far as they shall
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