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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 29.djvu/873

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C()NVENTION—GREAT BRITAIN. J UNE 11, 1896. 847 APPENDIX OF CLAIMS. Appendixofelaims. Claims submitted to the Tribunal of Arbitration at Paris.

Date f ‘ l Umm Name of vessel. uga_"!"} Approximate distance from land when seized. §3‘;’:,:;“' 8 l seizure. C lj11a .. . . , gg _______,_____ _ _____________ _ __ __ · riT»°¤.¤»¤ .. 235 i,i$.l $3 EEZ. ..___________ j;;;;;;;;; 33E;; Onward Aug. 2, 1886.[ 115 miles ,,,,,,,_,,_,__________ __ __________________ ____ Corwin F¤v¤¤¤¤ ------·---- Aug. 2.1886., Warued by Corwin in about same position os coward, A1m¤B00k -... July 2, 1887., Gtlmiles . . .,. , ,,.____,_,,___________ ___ R`|sh_ W. P. Saywurd . July 9, 1887, 59 miles _,_____,_______ _ _______________ ____ __________ _ Rusk Dolphin ... July 12, 1887. 40 miles ... .. ,_,___,__, , _________________ _ _____ B¤sh· Grace ..--.. July 17, 1887. 96 miles ...,, , ,,,,,___, , _______________ Rusk Alfred Adams . Aug. 10, 1887. 62 mile; ,.,.,,.,,,,, _ ______________ , _____ _ _____________ Rush- Adn . -. Aug. 25, 1881 l5mi1es .,. ,, _____,,,,_ , _______________ ___ _____ BQ.; Triumph .. Aug. 4, 1887. Warned by Rush not to enter Behring Sea. Juanita July 31, IHS!). 68 miles . .,,,,., , ,,____,,,,,,___,______ Rmb_ Pathilnder . July 29,188. 50mi1e; .., . ,.,._,,_,_,,_______________ Rush T|'i¤!¤Pl1 --·-- - -···· July ll, 1889. Otdetedgdollli of Behrlug Sea by Rush-Query as to position when W . nnok Dimnond Joiy dma. asohigs ..,,.,,,,,,,,,,_,,,,,,, 1;.,.;, Lily . .. Aug. 6, 1889. Gdmiles .,...,,,,,..,,,,_,_,,_, _ ___,_______ Rush Ariel -----·--··.. . . July 30, 1889. Ordered out of Behring Sea by Rush. KRW -····- · - · ·· Aug. 13, 1889. . AHRQ . . . ... Bush, Minnie July 15, 1880. es miles ...,...,.,.,,..__,_.,,____,..,_ Rush, Pathilnder . I Mar. 27, 1890. Seimd in Noah Bay .,. , ...,. , .,.,_,,,__,,, (jo;-win Personal Claims .. .,,.. , ,..,..,.., ,,_ 1g3e_ Personal Claims ... . ., . ,.,,..,...,. . ...,,.,,.,,,, 1537, Costs in Sayward Case. ADDITIONAL CLAIMS. Wanderer .. . .. 1887-89. Winmod .,..., nm, Henrietta .. .. . ... . 1892. Oscar and House . . ... . ... . 1892. And Whereas the said Convention has been duly ratified on both c_{¤i:;1;·¤z¤ vf ¤¤¤· parts, and the ratiiications of the two Governments were exchanged in ` the City of London on the third day of June, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-six; Now, Therefore, be it known that I, Grover Cleveland, President of P¤¤=1¤¤¤¤·>¤· the United States of America, have caused the said Convention to be made public, as amended, to the end that the same and every article and clause thereof may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the United States and the citizens thereof. In Testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be atlixed, _ Done at the City of Washingtorn this 11th day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and mnety-six [SEAL.] and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and twentieth. GROVER CLEVELAND By the President: Ricnnm Ommv Secretary of State.