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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 29.djvu/883

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CON VEN TION—MEXICO, N 0V12M2m: 6, 1896. 857 Convention between the United States of America and the United States of N°"°'“"°‘ 6-*8*- Mexico, extending the duration of the Oonvention of March 1, 1889, concerning the water boundary between the two countries. Signed at Washington November 6, 1896; ratification advised by the Senate December 10, 1896; ratified bg the President of Mexico December 3, 1896 ; ratified by the President of the United States December 15, 1896; ratzjioations exchanged at Washington December .23, 1896; proclaimed December 23, 1896. BY cum Pmcsnmm: or Unxrmn Srxrns or Ammucs A BROCLAMATION. Whereas, a Convention between the United States of America and P¤¤¤·y¤¤*¤· the United States of Mexico extending for a period of one year from X3li?f»?éii12` December 24, 1896, the duration of the Convention between the two High Contracting Parties of March 1, 1889, concerning the water boundary between the two countries, was concluded and signed by their respective plenipotentiaries at the City of Washington on the sixth day of November, 1896, the original of which Convention, being in the English and Spanish languages, is word for word as follows: Whereas the United States of Deseando los Estados Unidos de C<>¤¢¤¤¤*i¤z1>¤ri¤¤- America and the United States of América y los Estados Unidos de _Mexico desire to give full effect Mexicanos dar pleno cumplimieuto to the provisions of the Conven- alas estipulaciones de la Convention concluded and signed in Wash- cion concluida y iirmada en Washington March 1, 1889, to facilitate ington el 1** de Marzo de 1889, para the execution of the provisions con- facilitar la ejecucion de los printained in the Treaty signed by the cipios contenidos en el Tratado two High Contracting Parties on iirmado entre las dos Altas Partes the 12th of November, 1884,and to Contratantes el 12 Noviemhre de avoid the ditiiculties arising from 1884. y evitar las ditirnltades ocathe changes which are taking place sionadas con motivo de los cambios in the beds of the Bravo del Norte que tienen lngar en los canoes de and Colorado Riversin those parts los rios Bravo del Norte y Colowhich serve asa boundary between rado, en las partcs que sirven de the two Republics; limite ai las dos Repnblicas; And whereas the period fixed by Y debiendo expirar el 24 de Di- Article IX of the Convention of ciembre de 1896 el plazo fijado por Marcin l, 1889, extended by that el Articulo IX de la Convencion de of October 1, 1895, expires on the 1** de Marzo de 1889, ampliado por 24th of December, 1896; la de 1** de Octubre de 1895; And whereas the two High Con- Y considerando conveniente las tracting Parties deem it expedient dos Altas Partes Contratantes proto extend the period fixed by Arti- rrogar el plazo estipulado en el Arcle IX of the Convention of March ticnlo IX de la Convencion de 1° de 1, 1889, and by the sole Article of Marzode 1889yene1_ Articulo Unico the Convention of October 1, 1895, de la de 1** de Octubre de 1895, a in order that the International fin de que la Comision Internacio- Bonndary Commission maybe able nal de Limites pueda concluir el